A new multi-purpose therapy practice, Vic Thérapies, has opened its doors in Vic-Fezensac at 30 rue Victor Hugo.
Among the practitioners you will find there, Audrey FIEVET, fasciatherapy practitioner.
We met her:
JDG: What are fascia?
Audrey Fievet : Fascias are vital, reactive and connected tissues : more or less elastic wrapping membranes, present throughout the body, at all anatomical levels: skin, muscles, organs, bones. They play an essential role in the transmission of forces, in the control of movement, in pain and inflammation and in body awareness.
I like to compare them to the thin, transparent skin you find when you peel an onion. You have to imagine that you have them everywhere in your body.
The fasciatherapy is an approach that takes into account the person as a whole: body/psyche.
JDG: What method do you use?
Audrey Fievet: Perceptual pedagogy® – Pedagogy of movement – Danis Bois method (physiotherapist, osteopath, researcher, professor, doctor of science)
Perceptual pedagogy® places the body, perception, presence and movement at the heart of supporting the person.
This method uses several tools :
-The touch of the fascia which is a gentle touch which releases physical and psychological tensions stored in the tissues. It’s about putting movement back where there is often unconscious immobility. This results in deep relaxation and enriched body awareness.
-Sensory gymnastics® which is practiced through sequences of simple movements, carried out slowly. It establishes a state of release and relaxation. It helps you become aware of everything that moves in your body to better understand its movements, convey your body well (prevention), improve your body awareness.
-Full presence meditation®: through simple guidance, which brings back bodily feelings, the practitioner creates a space of silence, a climate of calm and stability, which allows one to take a break.
-The verbal interview: it is about supporting the person to draw the thread of the bodily, perceived, felt and thought experience.
JDG: How does a fasciatherapy session work?
Audrey Fievet : A session begins with a verbal interview where we get to know each other, or if we have already met, the person explains their needs to me, then I carry out an attunement on the table by touching the fascia, the person is lying down. This part lasts more or less 1 hour. Then there is a time to speak, I listen and I accompany the putting into words of the sensations experienced. There may also be guided chair meditation time and/or chair or standing guided sensory movement time. I adapt these tools according to the person’s needs and what I feel. I accompany the person so that they can then use them alone. For the first appointments, it is the touching of the fascia which is practiced the most. A session lasts 1h30 minimum.
JDG: For what problems, discomforts or disorders do people come to see you?
Audrey Fievet : Anxiety, stress, fatigue, burnout, chronic pain (low back pain, rheumatism, etc.), acute pain (lumbago, sciatica, tendonitis, etc.), trauma (sprains, muscle contractures, etc.), migraines, transit disorders, painful periods, supportive care (support during a period of long illness), sleep disorders, pregnancy support, etc.
JDG: What benefits can we expect?
Audrey Fievet : The gentle action of this method brings at least a feeling of relaxation, calm, depth of self, well-being, deposit, fluidity, release of tension, better perception, better body awareness, a state of peace.
Regular and frequent practice is recommended (at least at the beginning) for notable and lasting benefits.
JDG: What is your background?
Audrey Fievet : I worked for more than 20 years within a Gers institution in several fields, tourism, communication, promotion, audits, support and animation of networks, economic development, events, project management etc… I was quite versatile. A lot of accumulated stress, a lot of immobility that I wasn’t aware of was fixed in my body due in particular to the repetitive micro movements behind my computer screen, I suffered from back pain very often. And then one day my body said STOP, I was arrested for a few months and that made me decide to change my professional life.
I moved to Lannepax and decided to train in Perceptive Pedagogy®, Movement Pedagogy, Danis Bois Method for 2 and a half years.
I joined 2 collective practices, one in Auch, and one in Vic, Vic Thérapies at 30 rue Victor Hugo.
JDG: Why did you choose this method?
Audrey Fievet : Having myself undergone fasciatherapy for my lower back pain for years, I know very well the benefits of this method and I have always praised it to those around me. It helped me a lot, relieved me a lot.
I have been practicing full presence meditation® and sensory gymnastics® for years as well and I can clearly see everything it has brought me and the changes in my behavior and in my daily life. It has changed my dancing a lot, I am much more attentive to the movement that is emerging.
I still remain human and I’m not always totally in tune with my body and I have moments of life where I run! But I know that if I want I can come back to myself, to this calm place, I know that this inner place exists and I know how to contact it.
So I’m delighted to be able to share all of this!
JDG: Do you have any other strings to your bow?
Audrey Fievet : I am also a dancer teacher, I offer collective workshops on free movement, spontaneous creation and expressiveness, for 5 years in Auch every week and in Eauze once a month.
I have been dancing since I was little, I went through classical, contemporary, jazz and African dance for several years, and then the desire for more freedom led me towards the Dance of the 5 Rhythms®, dance improvisation, theater dance, and for 5 years, I have also practiced traditional Occitan dances, I love the joyful and caring atmosphere of traditional balls, and the whirling dance (dervish dance) with a company from Lyon, and I offer workshops initiation.
I am also trained in the fundamentals of free movement, according to the pedagogy of Yvonne Berge, dancer, student in the school of Isadora Duncan (precursor of free dance).
I work in a social center, currently in Auch, for workshops on body shaping and dance movements. I can also work in businesses. I led dance workshops for the Ecocert seminar at Véloscope on Isle Jourdain in January, for example.
I can also offer meditation or sensory gymnastics® workshops.
I would like to work with children and the elderly too.
I mix all my tools and adapt to the needs!
Type de public
Children, adolescents, adults of all ages
Fasciatherapy practitioner
Teacher dancer
Sessions by appointment au 07 86 26 51 55
Vic Therapies
30 rue Victor Hugo
More information on the method: