“There is a health emergency” warns a collective at Marmande hospital

“There is a health emergency” warns a collective at Marmande hospital
“There is a health emergency” warns a collective at Marmande hospital


Tomy Rigouleau

Published on

Oct. 11 2024 at 7:49 p.m

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Friday October 4, 2024, the members of the “Emergencies access to care for all” collective shared their concerns on several questions relating to the Marmande-Tonneins intercommunal hospital center and access to care in the territory from Val de Garonne and beyond.

They call for continue the mobilization to deal with a situation deemed alarming following the recent publication of the report on medical demography by the order of doctors. “Lot-et-Garonne is in the red, and the situation is not improving. »

The situation of foreign doctors and interns is worrying

Through Vincent Calier, user representative to the supervisory board of the Marmande hospital, the collective expressed its concerns about the situation of foreign doctorsthe Padhue.

“They have hospital status but they have a lot of problems with their civil papers. In other departments it happens differently. Would there be any obstacles in Lot-et-Garonne? » asks the association. “We continue to work with the hospital to try to find solutions on this subject” continues the collective which wishes to regularization of these qualified practitioners outside the European Unionin order to prevent the situation of access to care from getting worse. “Without them, the hospital could not function.”

Members of the Emergency collective provide access to care for all in front of Marmande hospital. ©Tomy Rigouleau / Le Républicain 47
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Another recurring point of vigilance, reception and accommodation of hospital interns. Although the boarding school building has undergone a slight makeover, the root of the problem remains unchanged. “The hospital has really worked on this matter but the bad news is that it is not moving forward. no one wants to get their hands dirty» lament the members of the association who are calling on the town hall and Val de Garonne Agglomération: “Why systematically wait for credits to be released? There are homes which are empty and which can be mobilized. We need to be able to find buildings but everyone must wet their shirt ».

A file which is to be coupled with the difficulties encountered by nursing students in finding accommodation. “Improvements have been made but a whole part of the boarding school building is disused and could be used provided work is carried out. »

Other questions like mobility and access to hospitalunfilled positions and those which are not opened due to lack of resources, the ten SSSR beds in Tonneins closed for two years or the opening of branches by the health centers of the Tonneinquais and Marmandais basins remain at the center of vigilance .

Lot-et-Garonne in the red

Through the situation of the Marmande hospital, it is the alarming observation drawn up on access to care in Lot-et-Garonne which worries. “Lot-et-Garonne is in the red, and the situation is not improving” deplores the collective, recalling the latest statistics at the department level. “We have a lot of handicaps: increasingly older doctors and very few young doctors who come to set up. »

While the collective is participating this weekend in Chalette meetings with more than 120 similar associations engaged at the national level, their members are calling on the population to mobilize to “protect our public health service. »

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