Grenoble. The tiger mosquito everywhere in Isère: 238 colonized municipalities

Grenoble. The tiger mosquito everywhere in Isère: 238 colonized municipalities
Grenoble. The tiger mosquito everywhere in Isère: 238 colonized municipalities

By Ugo Maillard
Published on

10 May 24 at 3:42 p.m.

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The season of tiger mosquito is thrown. Since May 1, 2024, warning messages from health authorities or local communities have been pouring in.

“Tiger mosquitoes: they will soon be back, it is time to cut off their access to water to prevent their proliferation”, indicate the services of the City of Grenoble.

Until November 30, surveillance is reinforced throughout Isère. Areas affected, behavior to adopt, here’s what you need to know.

Half of the department “colonized”

From May 1, the date on which the eggs hatch, “we closely monitor the proliferation of the tiger mosquito in the department of Isère,” explains Nicolas Grenetier, head of the environmental health center at the Isère departmental delegation of the Regional Health Agency (ARS).

The tiger mosquito is mainly present in urban areas: Grenoble and its outskirts as well as the north west of the department.

Nicolas GrenetierARS in Isère

Nicolas Grenetier takes stock: “We have 238 municipalities which are considered to be colonized in 2023, out of the 512 in Isère. In 2022, the number stood at 189.”

In the coming years, the presence should undoubtedly expand to the rest of the department.

Indigenous cases?

For the Regional Health Agency, the main threat would be to have indigenous cases. Concretely, that a person contracts the crazyTHE chikungunya Or zika by being stung in France.

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In Isère, this has never happened. “Tiger mosquitoes in the department do not carry these diseases,” explains the member of the ARS. On the other hand, cases have already been noted in people returning from travel.

Indigenous cases in the years to come? It’s complicated to predict, but it is indeed possible.

Nicolas Grenetier

This surveillance implies that each case of diseases transmitted by a tiger mosquito must be declared to the ARS.

How to fight against the tiger mosquito?

“The fight against the tiger mosquito concerns everyone”: the Isère branch of the ARS wishes to remind people of the actions to adopt to, at a minimum, limit the proliferation of the insect.

“The tiger mosquito does not move more than 150 meters During his life. If you see a mosquito in your home, it is very likely that the eggs are in your home,” explains Nicolas Grenetier.

So how to neutralize it? “The female will lay eggs just below the water line, when the water covers the eggs, they will hatch. These places must be removed by storing objects such as watering cans, trash cans, children’s toys,” responds the ARS.

If you want to find practical advice, the lists all the things you need to know to fight against the tiger mosquito.

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