Beware of this very bad habit which promotes the accumulation of abdominal fat, according to this study

Also called visceral fatthere abdominal fat has an important characteristic that differentiates it from other fats: it is not visible. You understood well ! You can therefore have a flat stomach, and at the same time abdominal fat.

In fact, she is hiding under the muscles of the abdominal wall where it surrounds all the organs and viscera such as the heart, lungs, pancreas, liver, stomach and even the intestines. Generally, abdominal fat is supposed to protect them, but it can have the opposite effect in excess.

These researchers reveal one of the causes of abdominal fat

In too large quantities around the organs, it can prevent their proper functioning and be responsible for diseases. It can cause diabetes, or be the cause of certain cancers or stroke.

THE causes of abdominal fat can be numerous. But recently, a team of Danish researchers looked into the issue and showed the link between smoking and accumulation of this type of fat in the body. Their study published in March 2024 in the British scientific journal Addiction, covers 2 million people.

photo credit: Shutterstock The causes of abdominal fat can be numerous.

This bad habit can cause belly fat

While many consider the cigarette as an appetite suppressant, due to the nicotine, scientists show a completely different reality. Their observation: smoking promotes the accumulation of visceral fatand therefore makes you gain belly.

“Even though smokers generally have lower body weight, they tend to have more abdominal fat than non-smokers” write the researchers. The latter even speak of “unhealthy fats”.

photo credit: Shutterstock Smoking promotes the accumulation of visceral fat, and therefore causes belly fat.

Public utility prevention

“From a public health perspective, these findings reinforce the importance of large-scale efforts to prevent and reduce smoking in the general population, as this could also help reduce visceral fat and all chronic diseases that occur there. are linked ” explains Dr. Germán D. Carrasquilla, lead author of the research.

She then adds: “The influence of smoking on abdominal fat appears to occur independently of other factors such as socioeconomic status, alcohol consumption, diet…”. It is therefore recommended to adopt a balanced diet and practice a regular physical activity.



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