League against cancer in Uzès: highlighting supportive care

League against cancer in Uzès: highlighting supportive care
League against cancer in Uzès: highlighting supportive care

Marie-Christine Munier is head of the Uzès delegation of the League Against Cancer. Behind her, five other women (Marie-Noëlle, Annick, Ghislaine, Isabelle, Catherine), five volunteers who actively work on reception and support people with cancer.

In the ducal city, this support branch opened twelve years ago now. “And it was not won. At first I was all alone“, remembers Marie-Christine.

Fight against cancer: Uzès promotes supportive care

Each year, this delegation brings his help to nearly 300 people. Real support, in this Uzège basin which lists around 1,500 patients.

Something had to be done here. Create a reception and support space close to the population“. Over the years, the Uzès branch has specialized in supportive care.

Each delegation has its specialty. Assistance with screening, support for loved ones, etc. We, in Uzès, have focused on this help and support care. They work with people who are already sick. The idea is to provide tools to live better with it, to make life easier in your care journey.“, describe Marie-Noëlleone of the volunteers.

A set of activities and services, offered free of charge to any person suffering from the disease and provided with a certificate of fitness.

Throughout the week, six supportive treatments are offered. Qi gong and yoga on Mondays in Uzès; writing workshop in Montaren-et-Saint-Médiers on Tuesday; sophrology Wednesday in Saint-Maximin; socio-aesthetics in Vallabrix and Nordic walking in Uzès, Thursday; and finally, physical activities on Friday in Montaren-et-Saint-Médiers.

Pink October: some figures

12 000this is the number of deaths caused by breast cancer in 2018. It is the leading cause of cancer death among women in .

12% of women aged 50 to 74 admit to having never participated in screening.

7% of them describe not knowing where to get tested. 34% put forward the absence of symptoms as a reason for refusing screening.

3/4 des cancers cured, are cured thanks to screening. The survival rate for breast cancer is 88% for cancer that is detected.

Sources: OpinionWay, June 2023/La .

With this program, we wanted to take care of both the body and the mind. Moving forward on a daily basis with cancer means realizing that everything doesn’t stop. You should never be ashamed to ask for support. As part of this care, no one will judge you“, describes Marie-Christine for her part.

“They work with people who are already sick. The idea is to provide tools to live better with it, to make life easier in their care journey”
Marie-Noëlleone of the volunteers from the Uzès delegation.

To complete this panel, the delegation also offers psychological support as well as several interventions and events during the year across the municipalities of Uzège-Pont du . “Forums, flower sales, Pink October, prevention actions… We try to show ourselves wherever we can. Talking about cancer is still the best way to fight it. The more people are aware of it, the less alone patients and their loved ones feel“.

Fighting cancer in 2024: how to help?

At this time, the League against cancer has 12 different branches in Gard. A local presence that has not always been so strong.

Gard is less isolated than before. As elsewhere, we observe that languages ​​are being unraveled, that taboos are being broken, we are on the right track“, comments the manager optimistically.

Especially since today, the ways of supporting the fight against cancer are more varied. Make donations, participate in events, give your time as a volunteer, or simply talk about it around you“, adds Marie-Noëlle, also recalling that new members will always be welcome.



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