Breast cancer: Nathalie Fayoux’s battle

Laughing face, clear and gentle gaze, she is a 63-year-old woman who welcomes me into her midwifery office in Vivonne in . Nathalie Fayoux exercises her profession with rigor, particularly on everything relating to breast cancer screening, remember that there are more than 61,000 new cases each year in . A year and a half ago, during a mammogram the radiologist marked a time then asked for an ultrasound, Nathalie understood very quickly that there was an anomaly. In her office, on the walls of which are hung photos of just-born babies, she goes over the fundamentals of screening.

Drawing of his son for his mother
© Radio France – Sonia Brunet

You need a visit to a doctor, gynecologist or midwife once a year, self-palpation of the breasts is fundamental. No need to be technical, the important thing is that you know your breasts well to be able to consult them as soon as there is a change.

She tells us about her choice to continue working, except for the weeks of chemotherapy because she no longer had any energy, her need to avoid people who talk to her by saying “My poor thing”, her taste for the gym which she has been attending for a very long time, three times a week, because she likes to work on her cardio, because she had the feeling during chemo that she was getting rid of all the injected products, by sweating a lot.

At the Vivonne health center
At the Vivonne health center
© Radio France – Sonia Brunet

Nathalie Fayoux found comfort in her patients, who gave her support and empathy. Testimony of a midwife who is also a wise woman.



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