Mpox: traditional Ivorian hunters made aware | APAnews

Mpox: traditional Ivorian hunters made aware | APAnews
Mpox: traditional Ivorian hunters made aware | APAnews

Faced with the threat posed by monkey pox (MPox), the Dozos, traditional hunters in Ivory Coast, are urged to stop hunting in accordance with the government’s ban decree.

During a tour carried out in the localities of Divo and Guitry (West), from September 26 to 29, 2024, the president of the National Federation of Dozo Brotherhoods of Côte d’Ivoire (FENACODOCI), Dosso Sory, called his members to respect this measure.

In Divo and Guitry, the members of the brotherhood came massively to welcome their president, Mr. Dosso Sory. Guard of honor, songs and praises were performed in honor of the union leader of the dozos.

One night was, moreover, devoted to the practice of dozo activities, in addition to awareness sessions for traditional hunters and the population of the Lôh-Djiboua Region (West), on monkey pox during these days.

Dr Touré Moussa, the representative of the Ministry of Health, Emmanuel Kobenan of the Ministry of National Cohesion, Solidarity and the Fight against Poverty, Toumgbin Koffi Jean Habib of the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) educated the public about this disease.

Under the leadership of Dosso Sory, this traditional institution has been engaged, for more than a decade, in the priesthood of consolidating the social fabric with a view to contributing to the well-being of the populations, alongside the Ivorian State.

« We are not law enforcement, but the Dozos will stand alongside them to denounce any suspicious movement. We are going to reveal all those who attempt this kind of dirty work in Ivory Coast. The well-being of our country is at stake “, he stressed.

« Our habits and customs are full of resources to consolidate peace and stimulate the development of African nations. », declared the chief of the Dozos, Mr. Dosso, for whom “traditional hunters are the perfect illustration”.

« President Alassane Ouattara and his government want the good of the population. If the population is sick, the country cannot develop. This is why the Ministry of Water and Forests issued a decree to stop hunting throughout the national territory. “, he said.

This organization was one of the linchpins of the national reconciliation process led by the former Ministry of National Reconciliation and Social Cohesion and continues its mission of promoting peace.

« Every time there are elections in Côte d’Ivoire, people are afraid. We have come to tell you not to play the game of any politician who comes to insult and argue with people. One death is too many and one injured is too many “, he said.

The administrative and customary authorities of the localities visited took an active part in each stage of this awareness tour on monkeypox, organized by Fenacodoci, the national umbrella of traditional hunters.

Fenacodoci is on the front line in the fight against deforestation and illegal gold panning. It has thus carried out reforestation operations in localities such as Gbihana, in the department of Séguéla (North) and awareness campaigns for its members on the dangers of illegal gold mining.

“Two confirmed non-fatal cases of monkeypox or Monkeypox were recorded in July 2024, respectively in the District of Tabou (South-West) and in the commune of Koumassi, in Abidjan,” according to the Ministry of Health.




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