“It’s important to self-examine”: here are the best practices for detecting breast cancer early

“It’s important to self-examine”: here are the best practices for detecting breast cancer early
“It’s important to self-examine”: here are the best practices for detecting breast cancer early

This first October marks, like every year now, the start of the “Pink October” campaign, to raise awareness of the fight against breast cancer, the most common cancer among women in Belgium.

The start of this awareness campaign is an opportunity to recall some good practices. “Breast cancer screening in Belgium is done from the age of 50. Every two years as a rule. Today, we are moving towards personalized screening for each woman. I encourage all women to speak with their gynecologist or general practitioner to see if they have a particular risk factor, family or personal history which may lead to earlier or more regular screening than the two years recommended today.“, advises Andrea Gombos, oncologist at the Jules Bordet Institute at the Brussels University Hospital.

Screening is one of the most effective ways to detect breast cancer early, but there are also signs to watch out for, including self-examination. “It is a lump, called a nodule, in the breast and which is palpable. Lymph nodes can also be found in the armpit. So, it’s important to examine yourself from both sides. The easiest thing is in the shower“, adds the specialist.

Especially since these actions can save lives. “You should know that today, treatments are progressing quickly and nine out of ten people are cured if cancer is detected early. It is therefore important to get screened and follow the screening program“, supports Andrea Gombos.

Every year, more than 10,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in Belgium.

october pink breast cancer screening practices



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