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Dr Youcef Mohamedi Bouzina. Cardiologist: “There is an increase in vascular diseases among young patients”

Dr Youcef Mohamedi Bouzina. Cardiologist: “There is an increase in vascular diseases among young patients”
Dr Youcef Mohamedi Bouzina. Cardiologist: “There is an increase in vascular diseases among young patients”

In this interview, Dr Bouzina, cardiologist, discusses the reasons for the increase in cardiovascular diseases among young people. It addresses risk factors and provides recommendations to prevent these diseases.

Comments collected by Sofia Ouahib

How can we explain the high number of cardiac arrests among young people?

Accumulating data on the subject shows us that young adults suffer more from heart problems compared to previous decades. This worrying phenomenon could be explained by the deterioration of lifestyle habits, in particular lack of exercise and poor diet.

Have you noticed an increase in heart disease among young people?

Effectively ! Whether in my office and even in my former department at Nefissa Hamoud University Hospital (formerly Parnet), I have noticed an increase in vascular diseases among young patients.

However, they have difficulty going to consult. Why do you think?

Young patients do not consult, for several factors. The first is that they do not feel concerned by chronic pathologies, such as hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia due to the silent evolution of these pathologies and the absence of clinical signs at the early stage. Then there is the lack of communication and awareness on this subject which would explain the lack of consultations. And finally, the third factor would be the difficulty of accessing specialized consultations in certain areas.

What are the reasons that can explain the increase in heart disease among young people?

There are several. First there is sedentary lifestyle due to lack of physical activity. There is also weight gain and obesity. Smoking is also one of the factors that explain the increase in heart disease among young people. Another factor and not the least: the increase in the incidence of chronic diseases, namely high blood pressure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia.
These diseases appear in younger and younger patients; unfortunately, young people are not aware of the risks.

So the change in lifestyle has a lot to do with it?

Quite ! Lifestyle change is the main cause of the increase in cardiovascular disease among young people. You should know that young people are exposed to the risk of deteriorating their health due to lack of physical activity or too much time spent sitting. When a lack of physical activity and an excess of sedentary lifestyle combine, this leads to an increase in weight.
Add to this smoking and an unbalanced diet, which can cause the appearance of chronic illnesses, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or even dyslipidemia, the combination can only be disadvantageous. This is why it is important to promote a healthy lifestyle.

You advocate for the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. That’s to say ?

To limit this increase in heart disease among young people, it is indeed important to adopt a healthy lifestyle from an early age. This consists, for example, of adopting a healthy and balanced diet. I also recommend avoiding fatty, sugary and high cholesterol foods. Practicing physical activity regularly is just as important as anything else. You should count on at least the equivalent of 30 minutes of brisk walking per day, at least 5 days per week or the equivalent of 25 minutes of running at least 3 days per week. And finally, I strongly advise young people to stop smoking.

What is the difference between cardiac arrest and heart attack?

A heart attack occurs when an artery or blood vessel that supplies heart tissue is blocked. The oxygen supply is then no longer sufficient and the heart cells die. On the other hand, we speak of cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating and sending blood and oxygen to the different organs of the body. Finally, a heart attack can cause cardiac arrest, but not all cardiac arrests are caused by a heart attack.

Do you think that young people can, without knowing it, carry undetected heart diseases?

Effectively ! Young people can carry undetected heart diseases, such as congenital structural anomalies, valvular anomalies or even coronary artery anomalies (congenital or secondary to atherosclerosis).

Who are the subjects most concerned? Women or men?

Men are generally more affected than women by heart attacks. However, the incidence in women increases after menopause, due to certain hormonal influences.

Are there warning signs before a sudden heart attack occurs?

Yes ! There are signs that may suggest the existence of a heart problem. For example, there is shortness of breath and chest pain which can radiate down the arm, to the neck, jaw or shoulders. There is also epigastric pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
These symptoms should lead the patient to consult in order to look for possible cardiovascular pathology.

What are the biggest risk factors?

There too, there are several. First of all, smoking. Then, diabetes. There is also high blood pressure. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle are also risk factors. We can also cite hypercholesterolemia or a family history of early heart disease (

Does Covid have anything to do with it?

According to certain studies, people who have contracted Covid-19 have an increased risk of developing a cardiovascular disorder in the year following infection. The disorders observed were of all types, such as an abnormal heart rhythm, thromboembolic diseases (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism), a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), coronary heart disease or even heart attacks. .

Are cardiac interventions in young patients common?

Although cardiac pathologies are increasing in frequency among young people, cardiac interventions in these patients remain much less frequent. The reason is that cardiac interventions usually result from the long-term course and complications of cardiovascular diseases.

What are your recommendations to prevent these heart diseases in young people?

Lifestyle change is the basis of prevention. It is therefore necessary to reduce weight and favor a diet low in fatty and sugary foods. I also recommend including green vegetables, cereals and foods rich in omega 3 in the diet.

Smoking cessation is more than recommended. The practice of regular physical activity, and finally, early diagnosis and management of high blood pressure, diabetes and dyslipidemia should not be neglected.



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