Are Wi-Fi waves carcinogenic? World Health Organization publishes new study

Are Wi-Fi waves carcinogenic? World Health Organization publishes new study
Are Wi-Fi waves carcinogenic? World Health Organization publishes new study

Why do people think Wi-Fi can be dangerous to health?

We use our phones, computers and tablets every day. But we don’t really know how these devices work to connect to Wi-Fi and especially if the waves they use and which pass through the room are dangerous for health.

However, according to some studies published a few years ago, the link between intensive use of smartphones and brain cancer had been established. Why? Simply because Wi-Fi waves use high frequencies and these would have been categorized as “possible carcinogens” in 2011 according to the WHO. But unfortunately, all these studies were based on much less data and this data could be biased.

Fortunately, this month the World Health Organization has spoken out by releasing a new study on Wi-Fi.

Danger of Wi-Fi: WHO has ruled

To put an end to this belief about the dangers of Wi-Fi, the World Health Organization (WHO) has commissioned a team of specialists, led by Australian researcher Ken Karipidis, to carry out a review of more than 5,000 studies published between 1994 and 2022.

After analyzing this research, and in particular about sixty more in-depth and comprehensive studies, the conclusion is clear: “Exposure to Wi-Fi waves from cell phone use probably does not increase the risk of brain cancer.

Just like the waves emitted by Wi-Fi antennas: “Waves from broadcast antennas or base stations probably do not increase the risk of childhood cancer.

The Organization also ruled for professionals who are exposed to Wi-Fi waves on a daily basis: “Occupational exposure to Wi-Fi waves may not increase the risk of brain cancer.

Wi-Fi is not dangerous, but you can limit it

The latest WHO findings indicate that Wi-Fi is not dangerous to your health, but that doesn’t mean you should overuse it. First, because it can be synonymous with latency or slowdowns. If you use a wired installation based on RJ45 cables, you will benefit from a much more efficient and stable flow rate.

But let’s not kid ourselves, most everyday devices are almost all connected via Wi-Fi to our internet box: if you want reduce Wi-Fi waves in your homeyou will either have to go through the 4G/5G network or limit their use altogether…



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