Experience live new cutting-edge equipment to see the brain

Experience live new cutting-edge equipment to see the brain
Experience live new cutting-edge equipment to see the brain

Published on: September 26, 2024

As in previous years, the FRC and Rotary-Espoir en Tête are organizing the Awards Ceremony for the 2024 “Rotary-Espoir en Tête” Laureates. This will take place on Friday, October 11, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

What is Operation Hope in Mind?

Every year, the Rotary-Espoir En Tête Association mobilizes all the Rotarians in arounda cinema action aimed at raising funds for brain research.
> Learn more

Hope in the lead 2024

This year, the sale of tickets for the preview of the film Louise Violet raised funds for finance 6 high-tech equipments which will be used by excellent teams on innovative research projects assessed and selected by the Scientific Council of the FRC, a historic partner of Rotary-Espoir en Tête. The winners will be honored during the awards ceremony and will present their project.

In addition, a scientific conference will be given to learn more about the use of this type of equipment in neuroscience research.

Want to hear researchers talk about neuroscience?

> the October 11 next, follow liveand the 2024 Espoir en Tête awards ceremony starting at 10:45 a.m.

As the number of places in person is limited, we invite you to follow the ceremony remotely. To do this, you must register by clicking on the link below before the October 2: Click here

Register to follow the ceremony live

To come and listen to the researchers present their neuroscientific project via videoconference, please register.

>> click here



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