“The Nutriscore should allow consumers to compare products with each other for similar use” – Libération

“The Nutriscore should allow consumers to compare products with each other for similar use” – Libération
“The Nutriscore should allow consumers to compare products with each other for similar use” – Libération

The rating given to foods follows a logic that varies depending on the type of product and the mode of consumption for which they are intended, explains a scientist who has examined the impact on health of lower rated products.

Mélanie Deschasaux-Tanguy is a researcher at the Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Statistics at the Sorbonne (Cress). She participated in the French study published on September 11 in The Lancet, which demonstrates a link between the consumption of foods ranked lower in the Nutriscore and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

How does Nutriscore work?

Several parameters are taken into account for a quantity of 100 grams [à partir des données figurant déjà dans le tableau nutritionnel affiché sur les emballages, ndlr]. The amount of energy, sugar, salt or saturated fat is penalized but the amount of fiber, protein or fruits, vegetables and legumes can balance the score.

There are two systems, one for beverages and one for solid foods. Otherwise, all foods are rated using the same criteria, with a few subtleties to allow for good discrimination between foods. Among solid foods, a difference has been made for added fats. Saturated fatty acids are taken into account differently. There are also differences for cheeses, but they remain relatively marginal.

What does the update of the calculation method adopted at European level and expected to come into force in include?

Overall, the new algorithm is stricter on sugar, salt, and fiber content. Whole products will be rated higher than refined products. There is also a change for red meat where protein content is not taken into account as much as for other products. It will no longer be able to obtain the maximum score.

Changes are also expected regarding drinks and plants, hence Danone’s decision to remove the Nutriscore from its drinking yogurts…

Yes, they will now be classified in the beverage category. With their high sugar content, they will be less well classified. In this category, only water can be classified A. Low-sugar flavored waters are often classified B, fruit juices rather C and sodas D or E. Some manufacturers used sweeteners, but their presence will be penalized with the new calculation method.

What is the benefit of Nutriscore for the consumer?

It serves several purposes. It should allow the consumer to compare products with each other for a similar use (products of the same type or that can be used at the same time). For example, what you want to eat for breakfast: wholemeal bread rated A or chocolate cereals high in sugar, rated E. We could compare salad and biscuits, but that is not really of interest because we are not going to eat these foods in the same way. Similarly, we do not compare sodas with olive oil, we do not consume them in the same way.

The Nutriscore indication should also make it possible to limit the frequency and quantity of lower-rated products. Butter is rated E, but we know that we should not consume it all the time. And among fats, it is better to favor oils. But it must be remembered that the Nutriscore is a tool and that it does not replace nutritional recommendations or policies to encourage manufacturers to improve their food offering.



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