The Renée-Petit library celebrates its 50th anniversary

The Renée-Petit library celebrates its 50th anniversary
The Renée-Petit library celebrates its 50th anniversary

Very old, Renée Petit will certainly not be present, September 28on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the associative library which bears his name.

In any case, she will be in everyone’s thoughts for her essential commitment to the life of the structure, which will be worthily celebrated around all the volunteers and current managers, anxious to pay tribute to all those who have enabled the library to tirelessly pursue its actions.

Sylvie, Geneviève, Nelly and Caroline will be the driving forces behind the event, which will be held at the Aimé-Péret community hall, with the support of the municipality.

The proposed program has just been unveiled and all interested persons are invited to attend. The meeting is set for 5:30 p.m., for a kaleidoscope of all the activities over the past 50 years. At 7 p.m., it will be time for speeches in the presence of the mayor, an opportunity to pay tribute to the volunteers over a glass of friendship.

After a lunch break at 8 p.m., where registration is required (at 06 75 04 08 35 or 06 70 15 02 53), members and the public are expected at 8:30 p.m. for a great evening of stories with Philippe Charleux.

At the end, it will be time, obviously, to blow out the 50 candles on the birthday cake. The library’s managers and volunteers hope that this event will be a great success.



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