My Health Space event in Savoie and Ain

My Health Space event in Savoie and Ain
My Health Space event in Savoie and Ain

A stand will be set up from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the reception hall of both hospitals, where advisors will inform patients, visitors and hospital professionals about the role and functionalities of My Health Space and will be able to guide them in activating their account and using the platform.

My health space was launched two years ago by Health Insurance and the Ministry of Health. It is a personal digital service and secure, which allows each user to keep your health data and communicate with professionals smoothly and confidentially. To date, 12.7 million French people have already activated it and are using it in their health journey. This secure digital health record offers four features:

A Medical Record (DMP): a real secure safe, this space contains documents required for medical monitoring (prescriptions, laboratory test results, medical reports, etc.). It is supplied by healthcare professionals, laboratories, imaging practices and healthcare establishments. It is possible to add personal information (allergies, family history, emergency contacts, etc.). → even when far from home, each insured person has access to their health documents.

A health diary which helps manage medical appointments, reminders and key exam dates (vaccinations, screenings, etc.). It offers a forecast calendar of important appointments (exams, screenings or vaccinations to come and to be carried out according to age), for adults and children. Examples include: M’T dents oral and dental exams, glaucoma screening, preventive check-ups at key ages in life (18, 45, 60, 70 years old). → practical for carefully monitoring the health reminders of the whole family, and anticipating appointments to be made.

A Secure Health Messaging to communicate with the various professionals involved in their care pathway, in complete confidentiality. → This new mode of exchange, initiated by the professional towards the patient, facilitates the effective monitoring of medical instructions shared during consultation.

A catalog of applications related to health and well-being. → an easy link to referenced applications such as monitoring daily measurements (e.g. weight, blood pressure), monitoring a chronic disease.

In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the 2nd region in to provide medical records. 3.7 million medical records have been updated; more than 20 million documents have been transmitted over the last 12 months and 7.4 million insured persons have an active account to date. About 200 new people activate their accounts every month and 15,000 to 20,000 unique visitors log in every week.

Savoie is a dynamic territory. Every month, on average, more than 22,800 medical records which are updated by all public and private health institutions. Each Savoyard already has an average of five documents health records recently filed by healthcare facilities, in this personal space which he can consult at any time.

  • All public health establishments in the Savoie Belley territorial hospital group (GHT) are engaged in the modernization of secure health exchanges and the transmission of health documents to patients. They almost all feed their patients’ medical records into My Health Space (e.g. hospital discharge letter, surgical or consultation report, imaging or biology results, prescriptions, etc.). Thus, since March 2024, On average, the CH Métropole Savoie feeds between 12,000 and 14,000 medical records every month, with documents that can be viewed in Mon Espace Santé.
  • A true memory of their patients’ health history, city health professionals are also increasingly using My Health Space. Every month, in Savoie, nearly 7,000 medical records are consulted by health professionals. (general practitioners, specialists, pharmacists, etc.), a number that has more than doubled since summer 2023.

This Tuesday, September 24, the aim is to introduce the advantages of Mon Espace Santé to as many patients, visitors, and professionals as possible. The CH Métropole Savoie and CH Bugey Sud establishments will wear the colors of Mon Espace Santé from the reception area to inform and offer assistance in activating and consulting the personal account. Alongside healthcare stakeholders (ARS, CPAM of Savoie, staff of the establishment), digital advisors from the territory will be present; they already help the population on a daily basis, even those furthest removed from digital technology. They are essential local partners! Come and meet them at the stand, all you need is your vital card, and take 5 minutes of your time!

  • Hospital professionals will also be invited to an internal conference hosted by the ARS and the CPAM to raise their awareness and give them all the keys to access the application.
  • It is also an opportunity for the Digital Health Delegation (DNS) to be present for theThe 11th stage of the Tour de France of establishments to promote My Health Space to all audiences, especially people who are far removed from digital technology, and to meet local stakeholders in digital inclusion in Savoie. Digital exclusion is the result of a person’s inability to take full advantage of digital technology, whether for reasons of access to appropriate equipment or connection, or because of difficulties in use or a lack of skills. In France, 20% of the population, approximately 16 million people, are considered victims of digital exclusion.
  • A network of digital caregiversprofessionals in digital mediation, is currently being built around the establishments. Representatives from Savoie will be present that day to help all audiences. The priority is to provide everyone with a user guide for digital health and to maintain the quality of human exchanges to serve the need for a simplified patient journey.

To learn more

Consult the actions with establishments in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes on the ARS website
Consult the page for Insured Persons “My Health Space, what you need to know” with Health Insurance



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