Towards a relocation of Tandem Mauricie in the former premises of Laferté Bicycles

Towards a relocation of Tandem Mauricie in the former premises of Laferté Bicycles
Towards a relocation of Tandem Mauricie in the former premises of Laferté Bicycles

The City of Trois-Rivières has begun a regulatory amendment process to allow the Tandem Mauricie organization to relocate its operations. Currently neighboring the CPE Premiers pas on Laviolette Street, the organization would set up slightly further north, in the premises formerly occupied by Laferté Bicycles.

It will be recalled that the difficult cohabitation between the organization fighting against HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) and safe consumption and the neighboring CPE made the headlines a few months ago.

While slightly increasing the distance separating it from the Centre de la petite enfance Premiers Pas, the move of TANDEM Mauricie would allow the organization to offer new services, including testing injectable drugs to ensure the safety of users. This service is already offered in the organization’s mobile unit, but it could also be offered in these new premises.

The regulatory amendment must however be ratified by the municipal council at a future meeting to authorize the use of “STI and drug screening and prevention service” at the premises located at 1513, rue Laviolette.

The Urban Planning Advisory Committee (CCU) favourably recommends this change of use. Several elements were considered by the committee, including the importance of the services offered by Tandem Mauricie and the fact that a refusal would keep the organization in its current location next to the CPE.

The CCU also considered the current difficult cohabitation with the neighbouring CPE and the fact that this change would not lead to an increase in nuisances in its decision-making.

A public consultation meeting on this request for change of use will be held at city hall on October 7. The file will then return on October 23 with a notice announcing the possibility of making a request for approval by referendum.

If the process follows its normal course, the regulation would come into force on December 25.



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