Trump withdraws all protection to Anthony Fauci, his former Cavid advisor who has become a target of anti -vax

Trump withdraws all protection to Anthony Fauci, his former Cavid advisor who has become a target of anti -vax
Trump withdraws all protection to Anthony Fauci, his former Cavid advisor who has become a target of anti -vax

Donald Trump decided to end the protection enjoyed by Anthony Fauci, a former COVID advisor at the White House.

The scientist is regularly threatened with death for his positions against anti -vax.

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Coronavirus: the pandemic that upsets the planet

After Mike Pompeo, former secretary of state, or John Bolton, former national security advisor, it is Anthony Fauci's turn to no longer benefit from police protection. This is one of the first decisions of the Trump administration, returned on January 20 at the White House. “You cannot benefit from protection for the rest of your life just because you have worked for the government”justified Donald Trump against the press, Friday, January 24 in North Carolina.

Death threats since 2020

This is not a harmless decision: by withdrawing the police escort of Anthony Fauci, the new American president attacks a real symbol of the fight against the pandemic in the country. He also cleared up all responsibility if he ever happened to the one who was his advisor Covid, four years ago, then that of Joe Biden. “They have all earned a lot of money, they can hire a private security service (…) I can give them a few numbers of very good security agents.”

Threatened with death and victim of repeated waves of cyberbullying, Anthony Fauci was forced to be permanently protected from the pandemic. The 84 -year -old scientist has managed almost half of his life the American National Institute for Infectious Diseases and played a major role in the struggles against HIV – as recalled (new window) The Pasteur Institute-then the COVVI-19. We owe him the management of the pandemic, which left more than a million dead in the United States.


A preventive grace granted by Biden

It made him a target of choice of Donald Trump, against whom he did not hesitate to oppose, but especially opponents of vaccines. Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. made it one of his favorite targets. In 2021, the former candidate for the White House, who became Secretary of State for Health (new window) From Donald Trump, published a book whose title was explicit to say the least: The real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the World War against Democracy and Public Health. The scientist was also one of the “accused” the Nuremberg 2.0 trial wanted in 2022 (new window) by opponents of vaccines and the management of COVVID. His retirement in early 2023 (new window) did not calm his detractors, the president elected in mind.

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Joe Biden understood it well and granted him, with others, presidential grace just before leaving the White House. “I believe in the rule of law and I am sure that the solidity of our judicial system will eventually impose itself in the face of political debates. But we live in exceptional circumstances and I cannot, in good conscience, do nothing “”judged the former American president.




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