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5am ​​News – “Cheese, cold cuts and crisps”: supermarket promotions target junk food, according to CLCV

Do supermarkets only offer promotions on products that are too fatty and too sweet? This is what the consumer association, CLCV, suggests, which estimates in a study that the products at knockdown prices are essentially those with a bad Nutri-Score: D or E.

After having gone through dozens of advertising catalogues from major retailers, the result is clear: “Junk food” represents 43% of promotions at Carrefour, 41% at Lidl or 39% at Leclerc.

According to François Carlier, general delegate of the CLCV, these leaflets essentially offer “junk food and products that are generally unbalanced from a nutritional point of view”. In short: “Cheese, cold cuts and crisps”. The catalogs highlight “all the things we love to eat but which are problematic for our health”By applying a price promotion on these foods, large retail chains encourage “impulse buying” and in particular “those intended for children: biscuits, chocolate, sweets, crisps, etc.”

According to the specialist, It is middle-income households that pay the price. “These promotional catalogues influence the consumption of all families who are on a tight budget and who buy a lot on promotion. We must therefore alert large retailers to change this type of offer,” he explains.

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