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Search for a new Prime Minister: towards a technical government?

Published on 03/09/2024 09:17

Video length: 1 min

Search for a new Prime Minister: towards a technical government?
The name of Thierry Beaudet, who is not a politician, is circulating for Matignon. He could be at the head of a technical government, made up of senior civil servants, economists or diplomats.
(France 2)

The name of Thierry Beaudet, who is not a politician, is circulating for Matignon. He could be at the head of a technical government, made up of senior civil servants, economists or diplomats.

In April 2024, Emmanuel Macron sat alongside Thierry Beaudet at the citizens’ convention on the end of life. This trained teacher, president of the Advice economic, social and environmental (Cessation)is not known to the general public. However, his name is circulating to become Prime Minister. The President could thus move towards a technical government. The ministers would no longer be political figures, but senior civil servants, economists or diplomats without party labels.

This government could submit laws and carry out public policies and would escape the tumult of political life. But, faced with a very polarized National Assembly, not coming from politics would require “a lot of adaptation efforts in a very short time”according to Olivier Rouquan, political scientist. Thierry Beaudet should also survive a motion of censure, if Emmanuel Macron stops at the hypothesis of a technical government.


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