DayFR Euro

Meuse. Death of Alain Fortin, breeder and trainer of sport horses

A great figure in French equestrianism, Alain Fortin died this Sunday afternoon in a tragic traffic accident. His car collided with a minibus on the D384, between Eclaron and Braucourt (Haute-Marne), while he was returning from Fontainebleau.

At 61, this Parisian by birth, who notably spent his youth at the prestigious Haras National du Pin (Orne), had built a national and international reputation in the world of sport horses, becoming a member of the executive committee of the Société Hippique Française and president of the show jumping commission. Above all, since 2014, he had revived the Vassincourt stables (Meuse), the former stud station of the Haras nationaux, after spending several years at the head of the Madine equestrian center. His professionalism, experience and know-how, recognized worldwide, have given him the opportunity to multiply, in recent years, missions in South Korea, carried out with the public company Korea Racing Authority (KRA), but also in the United States and South America.

Specializing in breaking in and training young competition horses, Alain Fortin has seen many horses progress in his hands to reach the top world level, such as last summer the horse Brazyl du Mezel, brilliant winner of the Longines 5-star CSIO Grand Prix in Ireland in Dublin, ridden by the rider François-Xavier Boudant.

The announcement of his passing is a shock in the world of equestrianism. Dedicated, always attentive, keen to transmit and share his passion, Alain Fortin was a humanist, loyal in friendship. He had married, during the summer of 2021, Julie Bogaert, who runs the Écuries Jeand’heurs (Meuse). He was the father of two young girls, Lilas, 12 years old, and Louise, 9 years old, born from this union, and three other children born from a first marriage, Joseph, Annette and Germain.

Our condolences.


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