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Bernard Cazeneuve: What do we know about his two children, Mona and Nathan, whom he had with Véronique, who passed away recently?

Since the results of the legislative elections of July 7, the appointment of a new Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron has been expected. After having received various personalities, and having dismissed the Lucie Castets hypothesis which caused a lot of talk this summer, the President of the Republic has an appointment Monday morning with Bernard CazeneuveThe news is causing a sensation, because the former Prime Minister of François Hollande, from December 6, 2016 to May 15, 2017, has, since the beginning of the summer, been among the favorites to take over the post.

According to the newspaper The Parisianhe would have started discussing with the president at the beginning of August. Bernard Cazeneuve has done nothing to refute this hypothesis. On July 13, on the set of the news channel LCI, he gave his frank response to a possible proposal: I see no other solution than to acceptwhile defending the priorities in which we believe, (…) that the priorities of the left are taken into account and that they are at the heart of the government project.”

Bernard Cazeneuve’s children were immersed in politics from a very early age

This atmosphere steeped in politics, Nathan and Mona, 28 and 25 years oldhave known her very well since always. Bernard Cazeneuve’s children grew up in Manche, where he was a member of parliament from 1997 to 2017, and they were immersed in local and national affairs.

Not surprisingly, As an adult, Nathan Cazeneuve followed in his father’s footsteps. After studying at the École Normale Supérieure, the School of Public Affairs at Sciences Po and the EHESS (School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) – his profile can be viewed online -, he obtained an aggregation in philosophy by writing a thesis on “the social state and the theory of sovereignty”In 2020, alongside around forty intellectuals and senior officials, he created the ideas magazine Germinal who wants to be “the left’s equivalent of the magazine Commentaire from the early 80s”. His father encouraged him, involving him in writing his speeches. or inviting him to the Parisian restaurant Lipp, the canteen of elected officials of the Republic.

For his part, Mona favors the world of media and art over politics. The young woman did a bachelor’s degree in theater in England before graduating with a master’s degree in directing and screenwriting from ESRA Paris. For the past year, she has been “International Acquisitions Coordinator at Fédération Studios”. She notably worked on the television series Prime Video, Alphonse with Jean Dujardin. For the start of the school year, Mona is looking for another position in the audiovisual sector, as she indicates on his LinkedIn. With his father, they like to attend film premieres in Parisian cinemas. But it’s not certain that Bernard Cazeneuve’s schedule will allow them to do so in the coming months…

No matter, because these new requests warm the hearts of the former Minister of the Interior (between 2014 and 2016) and his children who suffered the pain of losing their wife and mother on June 2. Publisher, Véronique Cazeneuve died after a long illness. The couple had married for the first time in 1995, before separating in 2012. To everyone’s surprise, they remarried on August 12, 2015 in the Var village of Aiguines. In addition to their children, this small ceremony brought together François Hollande, an old accomplice of the clan.


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