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Emmanuel Macron will receive Bernard Cazeneuve, François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysée on Monday.

For Manuel Bompard, Bernard Cazeneuve, if he is appointed “cannot be considered a left-wing prime minister”

Invited on Sunday lunchtime on BFM-TV, Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise, rejects the idea of ​​the nomination of Bernard Cazeneuve to Matignon, which, according to him, would not respect the result of the legislative elections.

« Bernard Cazeneuve (…) left the PS at the time when Nupes was formed, then the New Popular Front [NFP]this is not the person who will implement ideas from the NFP”he hammered home. “The NFP was formed on the break with Hollandism. What allowed the union on the left was the break with the policy that was led by François Hollande, of whom Bernard Cazeneuve was the prime minister; at some point we have to take political realities into account.”he added.

For the deputy of Marseille, the former prime minister of François Hollande, if he is appointed“cannot be considered a left-wing prime minister since he does not have the support of the four political components of the left in the National Assembly.”

“There is a candidate who was proposed by the NFP, it is Lucie Castets, if the President of the Republic finally wants to recognize the result of the elections and form a government that will implement a policy in accordance with the result of the elections, he appoints Lucie Castets. If he appoints Bernard Cazeneuve, it is because he wants to do something else”believes Mr. Bompard.

“The feeling we have is that the President of the Republic lost the elections but he wants to continue pulling the strings, and that’s not possible.”he further lashed out. “When he took the decision to dissolve the National Assembly, he did so by banking on the division of the left (…). This prediction was wrong since we formed the NFP, it is certain that the only obsession of the President of the Republic is to try to fracture the NFP to be able to keep power while he lost the elections. Clearly, we can see that Bernard Cazeneuve is undoubtedly a tool of this attempt at fracturing.Mr. Bompard said.

“If the President of the Republic persists in not respecting the result of the elections and appoints another candidate to Matignon than the NFP candidate, there will be a motion of censure, there will be a mobilization and there will be a dismissal procedure”he threatened.


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