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Drug trafficking: an important member of the Mocro Maffia arrested in : News

An important member of the criminal organization of Moroccan origin Mocro Maffia based in the Netherlands, was arrested Tuesday in leaving a restaurant, we learned from the gendarmerie, confirming information from Le Parisien.

The man, of Moroccan nationality, aged 35, according to a source close to the case, was subject to a European arrest warrant issued by the Netherlands. He was arrested by the GIGN, the elite gendarme unit, which was supporting investigators from the Paris research section, added the gendarmerie.

The arrest warrant was issued at the end of August.

It was 3:00 p.m. when Said A. was arrested leaving a restaurant in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, without incident, the same source said.

Considered by investigators as one of the main targets within the Mocro Maffia, he was wanted in particular for drug trafficking and production of synthetic drugs. He is suspected in Spain of kidnapping, acts of torture and barbarity, according to a source close to the case.

He will be presented to a magistrate who will notify him, according to the same source, of his extradition to the Netherlands, in application of the European arrest warrant.

The Mocro Maffia is a criminal organization of Moroccan origin based in the Netherlands, whose main activity, cocaine trafficking, is accompanied by arms trafficking and bloody score-settling.

published on October 9 at 9:49 a.m., AFP



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