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“I am in favor of immediate censorship,” says Nicolas Dupont-Aignan

Laura Laplaud
10:44 a.m., October 6, 2024modified to

11:12 a.m., October 6, 2024

A first motion of censure against the Barnier government was tabled on Friday. For Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, president of Debout la , guest of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1/CNews/Les Echos on Sunday, “there is nothing to expect from this government”.

The first motion of censure against the government of Michel Barnier, signed by 192 deputies of the New Popular Front, was tabled on Friday, and will be defended on Tuesday afternoon by the First Secretary of the PS Olivier Faure. For Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, “there is nothing to expect” from this government since Michel Barnier has “no room for maneuver”.

“I will be in favor of immediate censorship,” declared the president of Debout la France, guest of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1/CNews/Les Echos on Sunday, believing that “the political situation in the country is totally blocked”.

“Emmanuel Macron has failed in his duty as President of the Republic”

“There were three blocs, the Patriot bloc, with the National Rally, the New Popular Front bloc […] and two losers, the Macronists and the Republicans. Emmanuel Macron sowed chaos and chose Michel Barnier as Prime Minister. Emmanuel Macron failed in his duty as President of the Republic, he could have named those who were in the lead, namely the New Popular Front even if I fight them with all my strength,” he admits.

“We will have an early presidential election”

For the president of Debout la France, two solutions are now possible: the resignation of Emmanuel Macron or a referendum. “It is not by giving a reprieve to a government of odds and ends, which is leading France into tragedy, that we are going to resolve the problems. The only way to resolve the country’s problem is to return to the polls, either by referendum or by an early presidential election and you will see that we will have one,” he argued.


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