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At home, Karim Bouamrane dreams of being captain of a new social-democratic team – Libération

With a beige pea coat on his back, Karim Bouamrane finally enters the pitch at the Bauer stadium in Saint-Ouen. It is 7:30 p.m. The elite of social democracy, installed in the large stand of the Red Star enclosure, were almost getting impatient. In the aisles, we see the former president of the Seine-Saint-Denis department, the socialist Claude Bartolone, chatting with the former First Secretary of the PS, Jean-Christophe Cambadélis. The president of the region, Carole Delga, gives a kiss to the current leader of the PS Olivier Faure, putting aside their bad relations for a few moments. Some (former?) Macronists are also there like the former MP Laetitia Avia, Eduardo Rihan Cypel (who was previously in the PS) or the former Minister of Transport, Clément . A little late, the former President of the Republic François Hollande joins all these beautiful people. The former head of state is also entitled to a place of choice: the seat to the left of the host of the day, who was greatly applauded upon his arrival. Even more at a loss, Raphaël Glucksmann came to round off the casting during the first speaking engagements.

After Bram (Aude) last weekend around Carole Delga and two days before the political return of Raphaël Glucksmann to Réole (), the social-democrat left therefore met this Thursday, October 3 in Seine-Saint -Denis at the invitation of the mayor of Saint-Ouen. “It’s a trilogy of different but complementary sequences”notes the president of the PS group in the Senate, Patrick Kanner. After breaking through the sound barrier during the summer thanks to the Olympic Games – to the point of having seen his name mentioned for Matignon -, Karim Bouamrane launches his movement “humane and strong in the stadium of its city conquered in 2020. Before going to listen to the hero of the day, the public, particularly diverse, therefore has the opportunity to refresh themselves in the open refreshment bars. Or snack on a few pancakes spread with the now famous Algerian dough El Mordjene, which is now impossible to find in stores. 3,800 people came to fill the stands according to the organizers.

“Left of reality”

Mounted on a stage set up on the lawn to the sound of Soul Power by James Brown, the former disciple of Cambadélis invites his comrades to “together embody an unstoppable force” to bring the left to power in 2027. “Dear friends, it is time to unite, to come together, to organize our ideas together, France must be human and strong”he chants while a new social democratic chapel is born every two weeks. Bouamrane says he embodies “a left of reality which assumes not to be in the incantation” and who “rejects demagoguery and populism”. Two allusions to the line attributed to insoumise France. This Thursday evening in Saint-Ouen, all the socialists present – except Olivier Faure who came by “friendship” – call for a break with the Mélenchonist movement. “We cannot have campaigned for four months behind Raphaël Glucksmann and then got back behind the leadership of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”squeaks Patrick Kanner.

Denouncing the remarks of the Minister of the Interior Bruno Retailleau on immigration which would not “not a chance”Karim Bouamrane believes in front of the platform that “the government of Michel Barnier will not hold”. The opportunity to return to the summer soap opera regarding the appointment of the Prime Minister. The mayor of Saint-Ouen affirms that the left did not do everything necessary for a member of his camp to be appointed to Matignon. “We should have done everything we could to be responsible. For this, it would have been necessary to break with the posture of the program, nothing but the program”he says. “To be in reality is to be capable of compromise, it is to embody concrete action”, he adds. New sting against the rebellious tribune.

“There is no rivalry but synergy”

Basically, the Audonian proposes to put in place a series of “shared progress” on all themes of daily life. Bouamrane thus calls on the left to “reappropriate security issues because the first victims of insecurity are the working classes and the middle classes”has “fight against medical deserts by innovating”has “fight for social diversity” or to “make public space beautiful”. So many fights which would, according to him, allow the left “to embody” a hope for the French. “We are the hope of a responsible and respectful relationship between those who entrust power and those who exercise it in their name”he chants.

The next step now for Karim Bouamrane is to create liaison committees throughout the territory “to mobilize all the people who want to be useful”. Questioned by the press, the mayor of Saint-Ouen assures that this «aventure collective» is complementary with the Socialist Party. The one who punctuated his speech with a classic “long live the Republic and long live France” and by a Marseillaise launched a cappella refuses, for the moment, to formalize any ambition for the Elysée. “Whoever declares himself today is unconscious and irresponsible”he says. The former business leader also rejects any potential competition between the different heralds of social democracy. Point of view shared with MEP Raphaël Glucksmann. “There is no rivalry but synergy. Reconstruction will take time, we will need everyone”breathes the former head of the PS list at the last Europeans, happy as a kid to find himself on the lawn of the Bauer stadium. It remains to be seen whether this state of mind will remain intact when the presidential election approaches.


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