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(Multimedia) Mexican Armed Forces are deployed to help the population affected by Hurricane John

Image taken on September 24, 2024 of the port of Acapulco after the passage of Hurricane John, in Acapulco, Guerrero state, Mexico. (Xinhua/Jesús Espinosa)

MEXICO, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) — The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said Friday that elements of the Armed Forces are deployed to provide aid to the population affected by Hurricane John, in the south of the country.

In his usual daily press conference, the Mexican president commented that Hurricane John has been distinguished above all by the large amount of rain it has left, particularly in the Mexican state of Guerrero, but not so much by the strength of the winds.

López Obrador said that the military elements are rescuing the population affected by the floods, after four days of rain “as had not been seen in a long time,” in the entity located on the Mexican Pacific coast.

“This hurricane did not bring many winds, but it did bring a lot of rain,” the president told reporters at the National Palace in Mexico City, after pointing out the popular resort of Acapulco as one of the main affected areas.

So far, John has left five people dead in Guerrero, according to the president.

The center of Hurricane John made landfall on September 23 at night in Guerrero with category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, maximum sustained winds of 195 kilometers per hour and gusts of 220 kilometers per hour, according to the authorities.

John, now downgraded to a tropical storm, is still moving through Pacific waters, now off the coast of the western state of Michoacán.

Local authorities recommended that the Mexican states of Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Colima and Jalisco “take extreme precautions” due to intense rains, as well as possible landslides and floods, as well as flooding of rivers and streams.

Last May, local authorities predicted the formation of up to 41 named cyclones in the Atlantic and Pacific during the 2024 season, among which at least five will hit Mexico.


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