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CASE. Brigitte Barèges leaves the presidency of the Republicans in Tarn-et-Garonne: an irremediable outcome but not as clear as that

the essential
Brigitte Barèges announced on Friday September 27, 2024 that she was leaving the presidency of the Tarn-et-Garonne federation of the Les Républicains party. She is in fact involved as departmental referent of the Union of Rights for the Republic, the party launched by Éric Ciotti. But it seems that she did not tear up her LR membership card…

It was an expected outcome. It still had to be made a reality. Brigitte Barèges, deputy for the first constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne, announced by press release sent Friday September 27, 2024 at 10:15 a.m., that she was leaving “the presidency of our LR federation of Tarn-et-Garonne”. According to her, “the time for clarity has arrived”.

Also read:
CASE. The MP for Tarn-et-Garonne Brigitte Barèges announces that she is leaving the presidency of the local federation of the Les Républicains party

This political act is the result of a series that began on June 11, 2024, the date on which the former mayor of announced his candidacy for the legislative elections in the first constituency of Tarn-et-Garonne. The elected official, a former deputy between 2002 and 2012, had during this campaign followed the line of the president of the LR at the time at the national level, Éric Ciotti.

The rapprochement with the RN, first sign

In an interview given to The Dispatch On June 14, Brigitte Barèges admitted to wanting “a government pact” with the National Rally (RN), which wanted to install Jordan Bardella in Matignon as Prime Minister. Even if she said she had “not signed any charter with the RN”.

Also read:
CASE. Brigitte Barèges leaves the presidency of the Republicans in Tarn-et-Garonne: “It could not be otherwise”, analyzes Mathieu Albugues

Once the psychodrama of the presidency of the right-wing party had passed, Brigitte Barèges succeeded in her bet, by being elected deputy against Valérie Rabault, Sunday July 7, 2024, in the second round. When she returned to the National Assembly, she joined the “On the right!” group, founded by Éric Ciotti, bringing together the sixteen deputies who followed this line of “union of the rights”. Without, however, conquering Matignon with the RN, the “republican barrier” – according to the established expression – having once again ensured its work.

She participates in the launch of the UDR in with Éric Ciotti

New episode at the end of August. The woman who has no longer been mayor of Montauban for ten days appears in Nice alongside Éric Ciotti, reappointed as deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes, for the launch of the Union of Rights for the Republic (UDR). A participation relayed with multiple photos, notably on its page Facebook elected official.

The 1is September, Ms. Barèges organizes a gathering in Montalzat to celebrate the victory in the legislative elections. During the same evening, Ms. Barèges took the opportunity to “explain [ses] choice and present the Union of Rights for the Republic, the UDR”, in front of 350 guests.

Jean-Michel Baylet: “The mask has fallen”

The mayor of -d’ Jean-Michel Baylet wanted to react following the formalization of Brigitte Barèges to leave the presidency of the Les Républicains party in Tarn-et-Garonne. “Brigitte Barèges puts her commitments in harmony with her convictions. She has supported the ideas and ideology of the extreme right for a long time. Today, the mask has fallen. I hope that the republican forces are mobilizing and gathering in Tarn-et-Garonne because we have two far-right deputies, a senator on the same positions and two of the most important cities with mayors on the same line. It is time to react and not. not let this evil consume us further.”

Last meaningful episode Sunday September 22 at 8:03 p.m. Still on her page on the social network, Brigitte Barèges relays the interview with Éric Ciotti in Le Figaro where he announces: “I am leaving Les Républicains.” A choice of clarity, which seems more ambiguous in Ms. Barèges. Because if she leaves the presidency of LR 82, she does not indicate having torn up her party card. And contacted for further details, the MP has not, for the moment, responded to our requests.


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