DayFR Euro

but where exactly was this unit filmed?

Today at 2:00 p.m. – by Thomas Fourcroy

On Thursday September 26 at 9:05 p.m., 3 broadcasts Murders in . A unit driven by a relentless intrigue and filming locations that are worth a look!

Tired of a back-to-school season marked by your return to the office and your daily obligations? Don’t panic, the collection Murders in… will allow you to escape during an investigation. This evening, the entity made in France Télévision will indeed take you to Cayenne, in Guyana, for a rebroadcast of the best effect. Directed in 2019 by Marc Barrat, the unit will offer you an intriguing affair under the sun, carried by a lovely cast. Jumbled together, we will come across Philippe Caroit, Nadège Beausson-Diagne, Anne Caillon, and even Rani Bheemuck. A question then arises, but where did this joyful team shoot this TV film? In Cayenne, yes, but not only…

Murders in Cayenne : a sordid crime and an investigation under the sun

Murders in Cayenne will take us on an investigation like no other… Indeed, it will be about the brutal assassination of a particularly renowned biologist. It was after a carnival night, not far from the famous Fort Cépérou, that his corpse was discovered, with his throat slit. In addition, his face has disturbing engravings, made of multiple triangular, circular shapes and other cabalistic signs. But who was so angry with this brilliant scientist? To find out, two investigators will be dispatched to this case, Captain Cassandra Molba and Lieutenant Antoine Lagarde. Between Guyanese myths, local traditions and Native American legends, an obscure story of a stolen patent will resurface before the stunned eyes of our two sleuths…

Once again, Murders in… focus on the local!

Obviously, as its name suggests, the evening unit was boxed in Cayenne and Guyana. But where exactly? From July 17 to August 13, 2019, the TV film team set up shop in Fort-Cépérou, but also in Awala-Yalimapo and on the Îles du Salut side.. Finally, completing this beautiful list of filming locations, we find Rémire-Montjoly. On the sidelines of this, note that no less than 260 local extras will have participated in the boxing of Murders in Cayenne !


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