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Philippe Caroit father at 63 and confronted with the gaze and judgment of others

By Bertrand Bielle | Journalist

Curious by nature, Bertrand is always on the lookout for the slightest little scoop. Passionate about football, he is never far from football and all the news that comes with it. However, showbiz or political events are also part of his preferred journalistic research.

Philippe Caroit, to be found this Thursday evening in “Murders in ”, recently became a father for the second time, at the age of 60. A situation he spoke about for “Télé-Loisirs” last year.

Philippe Caroit father at 63 and confronted with the gaze and judgment of others

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On the program for this Thursday evening on 3: Murders in Cayennewith Philippe Caroit in particular. The opportunity to take an interest in this 64-year-old actor, in particular his relationship to fatherhood, he who had a son quite late, last year (named Lucien). Does he fear judgments against him, this situation being able to put off certain producers? “The looks of others, I don’t care“, he replied, without filter, to our colleagues at Télé Loisirs last year.

However, he concedes the lack of recognition he may now feel: “When you have a child at 63, you have less credit on the clock than at 35!“But he then took the opportunity to spend time with his little boy, which he was unable to do with his daughter Blanche, whose mother is a famous presenter:”As job offers are becoming rarer, I’m enjoying my little Lucien’s first months more than I enjoyed Blanche. It’s time saved on life, on your life.”

Philippe Caroit “weighed the pros and cons”

A young dad present therefore, for this child he had with his young partner. They had considered this birth, without it being a priority. This is what the actor explained on the set of It starts today : “It was a hypothesis, it was in the pipeline, I wasn’t saying a categorical no but I was weighing the pros and cons.” As for the criticisms, which came not only from his professional circle but also from those close to him, he assured that he understood them.

Considering them then not as “derogatory“, but rather like “rational” : “I was listening because I knew anyway.” On the other hand, this in no way changed his decision :”OWe never know how much time we have left in life. […] It’s a gift of life. It’s such a rush of hormones.“Philippe Caroit is today a happy father, and regrets nothing, except not having been as present for Blanche as he is currently for his little Lucien.


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