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“La genetica contro i tumori al seno”, the new frontier of senologic surgery of the Ospedale di Treviso

TREVISO – “The main weapon against tumors is prevention”. Christian Rizzetto49 years old, director of senologic surgery – breast unit of the Ospedale di Treviso, non si stanca di ripeterlo. È stato him operated mercoledì, assieme a Giorgio Bernadirector of plastic surgery, the showgirl Sabrina Salerno. The last time a malignant nodule is detected by the owner when it comes to a controlled mammography, it is visible. The intervention is andato bene. “Sto bene, grazie a tutti”, ha confermato Sabrina via social. “Ringrazio Sabrina Salerno per averci allows to speak for warning. Lei stessa lo ha fatto – sottolinea Francesco Benazzidirector general of the Usl della Marca – ha sensibilizzato tutti a fare gli screening, cosa very important. Prevention saves life.

Doctor Christian Rizzetto, part of the number, how many tumors are there and this is the name of the brand?

“The new diagnosis may be more than 800 years old. “It is more frequent among women.”

Also give you guys?

“If you have a minimum increment. And yet for this regional livelly it is possible to expand the screening face to start with 45 years (or è dai 50 to 74 years, ndr), Di contro, però, va detto che negli anni le prospettive di guarigione sono molto migliorate”.

In percent?

“Oggi la sopravvivenza si aggira aggira torno al 90%. The vincent moss, other than the diffusion of corretti’s life style, smoke and limit alcohol, is what the screening is. And Veneto is the prime region in Italia. To the fundamental aspect: early diagnosis reduces the need for demolitive surgical intervention and makes it less invasive, and also the need for chemotherapeutics.

How many operations are carried out in Treviso?

“Siamo sui 650 oncologic interventions all year round, for tumor diagnosis. The result is one of our best thanks to a multidisciplinary approach, with the help of various specialists: from the radiologist to the surgeon, passing by the anatomopathologist, oncologo, radioterapista and plastic surgeon. This consent is given to personalize the mass of your personal items.

Can the reconstruction happen to the current operator for tumor transport?

“E così nel 75% dei casi. If you prefer this route, when it is possible, please have a chance to collaborate with plastic surgery.

Is there a tumor that causes colpisce and maschi?

“This sound also contains digital sound content. Parliamo di ‘incidenza dell’1% all’anno sulle diagnosi’.

The new frontier of prevention passes through artificial intelligence and genetics?

“The mammography letter is also supported by artificial intelligence, which alerts you to the radiology of the diagnosis. On the front of the genetics, poi, eseguiamo dei test (oncotype, ndr) directly sui tumori, in collaboration with the anatomia pathologica, che permittono di personalizzare al massimo the therapy, riducendo gli impatti della chemio when not necessary”.

Gli genetic accertamenti possono happen to individualare the given with predisposizioni, cioè potenziamenti more a rischio?

“E un’attività siamo già in grado di guarantee. I tumors derived from genetic mutations, perhaps, represent a relative piccola, bet at around 15%, tra the diagnosis of tumor. It does not come in general mode, its value is based on very stringent parameters. If the result is positive for the amount of change (if it does not mean simple familiarity, editor’s note), proceed to the accident with the same control within your family. In this case, it is possible to intervene in the risk of accidental damage, but this is the end of the accreditation which is necessary.


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