Paralympic Games: risk of rain for the closing ceremony this Sunday evening
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Paralympic Games: risk of rain for the closing ceremony this Sunday evening

Belote and rebelote. The Olympic period risks ending in Île-de-France as it began: in the rain. The forecast remains uncertain for Sunday evening, but the risk of bad weather is real in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), where the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games will take place at the Stade de France.

On Friday, July 26, doubts persisted until the early hours of the morning before Météo France finally confirmed the rain forecast and even triggered a yellow alert (level 2 out of 4) for this reason. The intensity of the rain for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games even made this day one of the three wettest of the summer in Paris.

A perceived temperature may be lower than 15°C

On Sunday, France will continue to be under the influence of a cold drop located near its coasts, on the Atlantic. This cold mass, isolated in the middle of a warmer air mass, causes repeated bad weather until it dries up. The difficulty lies in its random behavior, which makes it complicated to establish reliable weather forecasts.

Uncertainty and rain should therefore be the two constants on Sunday, as on July 26. The trend that is emerging this Friday is in any case not very optimistic. The ceremony is due to start at 8:30 p.m. and end around 11 p.m. As it stands, Météo France is counting on showers that will intensify over the hours. The wind is expected to blow at around fifteen km/h. The temperature will be below 20°C at the start of the evening, with 18°C ​​forecast. It will be a little over 15°C at the end, with 16°C expected.

/Weather France

Just a few kilometers away, in Paris, Météo France is predicting slightly fewer showers at the beginning of the festivities, but just as much rain at the end and during the night. Wind gusts of around forty kilometers per hour would continue to occur throughout the evening. Saint-Denis would also be affected by this wind speed, but only in the afternoon.

For its part, the La Chaîne Météo model results in a risk of rain of between 55% and 75% in Saint-Denis depending on the time of day. It also estimates that the wind will blow in gusts of around 40 km/h. Finally, it is counting on temperatures one or two degrees lower than Météo France and a feeling that would only be between 13°C and 14°C due to the wind.

Given the proximity between the two cities being so small, it is quite likely that the weather will ultimately be a mix between the forecasts. Saint-Denis could therefore experience a windy ceremony but less rain than expected. The spectators will be almost all dry. The architecture of the Stade de France and the configuration of the stands mean that only the lowest rows are exposed in certain wind conditions.


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