I’ve been on the Internet for all of 3 minutes this morning and already have seen the dumbest video I’ll see all day. It’s kind of hard to tell what they’re saying to eachother, but if you put your volume on full Izzy hits him with a couple of “fuck yous” and then spits near him and says he dares him to try him. I know you’re flowing with traffic, but whoever filmed this video needs to have better awareness and stop the car in the middle of the road and keep recording. We don’t even know what happened next! It was just getting good! This is an all-time video that ended way too soon.
I don’t know who the guy on the other end is that is harassing Izzy, but every part of me wanted him to see him get headkicked after he started flexing on a UFC champion like he was Muhammad Ali. I’ve never seen a more delusional flex in my entire life. And I know Izzy has lost two fights in a row, but if I had any advice to civilians that see him, it’s to leave him be in that $500,000 car that he’s made from being a world-class fighter for years.
If I know anything about the Internet, it’s that someone will get this girl’s angle from her Instagram account and we’ll get better audio and video for the rest of this encounter:
I’m not sure the guy harassing him is still alive, but assuming he somehow got out of there in one piece, we need his side of the story too.
P.S. In case you don’t know what that guy was up against: