Tonight on TV: What if it was the best science fiction film in the history of cinema? – Cinema News

Tonight on TV: What if it was the best science fiction film in the history of cinema? – Cinema News

Every day, AlloCiné recommends a film to (re)watch on TV. Tonight: Arnold Schwarzenegger in his greatest role.

What if, this Wednesday night, you simply watched… the greatest science fiction film of all time? Do you have any idea of ​​the ultimate SF work we’re talking about here? Here’s a little hint: it features a certain Arnold Schwarznegger!

We’re not talking about the very good Terminator, but about its sequel, the excellent Terminator 2: Judgment Day! Released in theaters in 1991, James Cameron’s sci-fi monument (who had the idea of ​​resurrecting the saga) sees the character played by Schwarzie reprogrammed and sent from the future to protect the young John Connor from an implacable protean cyborg.

One of the huge assets of Terminator 2: Judgment Dayit is obviously its incredible special effects, rightly considered a revolution in the field. Nearly three decades after the film’s release, they are still as astonishing.

More than half of the budget devoted to special effects

To bring to life these special effects which cost 53 million dollars, more than half of the overall budget, the very ambitious James Cameron Warner Bros. used three different companies: Fantasy II Film Effects for the war sequences, 4-Ward for the nuclear explosion and molten metal (arguably the craziest special effect in the film), and finally, George Lucas’ company ILM for the T-1000 animation and computer graphics.

Terminator 2: Judgment Daypunctuated by numerous cult scenes (See you later, babydoes that mean anything to you?) and carried by a perfect cast bringing together Arnold SchwarzeneggerRobert Patrick, Linda Hamilton and the young Edward Furlong (incidentally, what happened to the actor who played John Connor?), is a true science fiction must-see. A total entertainment hailed by the French public: the feature film attracted nearly 6 million spectators in theaters, almost double the number of the first opus. As for AlloCiné viewers, they gave it the very flattering average score of 4.3 out of 5. Did you say classic?

Warning: scenes, words or images in this film may offend viewers.

Tonight on C8 at 9:20 p.m.

False Connection: The Blunders and Mistakes of the “Terminator” Saga


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