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“Unbearable”: Yannick Alléno, his rant after the death of Kamilya, 7 years old

“Unbearable”: Yannick Alléno, his rant after the death of Kamilya, 7 years old

He made it his fight. Following the death of his son Antoine, hit by a reckless driver in the heart of Paris on May 8, 2022, Yannick Alléno created the Antoine Alléno association, which helps the families and loved ones of victims of road violence. While he is currently campaigning for the creation of a road homicide offense, the French chef wanted to react to the death of little Kamilya, 7 years old, hit by a motorcyclist in Vallauris, near Cannes, on August 29.There is a word that I always find difficult to hear: we talk about an accident. That is not an accident. When someone does a wheelie, for example, or takes drugs or consumes excessive alcohol while driving, that person is well aware of the dangers they are causing others.“, he emphasizes in the columns of Nice Morning.

Yannick Alléno also deplores the fact that the individual who killed the little girl is being prosecuted for “involuntary manslaughter”: “This qualification of involuntary manslaughter is unbearable in these cases. It must no longer be applied.“, notes the father, before continuing: “The creation of a separate offence of road homicide makes perfect sense. This is work that we have done since Antoine’s death.“In this regard, where is his fight?”The text was adopted by the National Assembly at first reading. It was in the Senate. I had the deputy Eric Pauget two days ago. He told me that the text would arrive at second reading in the National Assembly. I am hopeful that this text will be adopted. It is creative, it is modern. It completely shakes up the Penal Code. But it corresponds to the times.“, he believes. And the latter adds: “We need to make children aware that driving a car or a motorbike can have significant consequences on the lives of others..”

Yannick Alléno: how he survived the death of his son Antoine

Following the loss of his youngest son, mown down by a drunk driver, Yannick Alléno – accompanied by the young man’s relatives – wanted to transform his pain into constructive energy. He thus decided to create the Antoine Alléno Association to help those who have to face the loss of a son/daughter, a brother/sister, a friend who is a victim of road violence. This is his way of moving forward: “Fighting is the path I found to move forward. I decided to create the association with my family on the evening of Antoine’s funeral. And I said to myself, if everything I’ve had in life, my fame, doesn’t serve to save one or two, what’s the point? I had the chance to speak on behalf of the anonymous and to be listened to“, he confided in the columns of Nice Morning.

Photo credits: Erez Lichtfeld / Bestimage


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