French wrestler Amale testifies to violence from her ex-partner and wrestler Tristan Archer

French wrestler Amale testifies to violence from her ex-partner and wrestler Tristan Archer

French wrestler and ex-WWE Amale has published a testimony in which she describes violence against her by her ex-partner Tristan Archer.


French wrestler Amale spoke out on Tuesday to denounce the violence she suffered at the hands of her ex-partner, French wrestler Tristan Archer. In a long testimony published on wrestler relates “physical, psychological and emotional abuse.”

“My only mistake was to remain silent all this time.” says Amale about this affair. “I did not speak out of shame, out of fear of not being heard, out of fear of reprisals, but I act today having accepted that all the actors in this environment will resolutely stand behind what is right. I am also counting on the unconditional support of the fans in this affair to purge this environment, but this story goes far beyond wrestling and concerns justice, morality and human conscience.”

In this lengthy testimony, Amale accuses Tristan Archer not only of physical violence, but also of threats and intimidation that took place during their relationship, but also after their separation and in particular after Amale’s run in the WWE and which had significant consequences on her physical and mental health. “He begged me not to speak about him during the SPEAKING OUT movement. I was at peace and did not want to cause him any harm. Despite his past actions, I chose not to speak out before, during or after the movement. However, his behavior toward me has escalated recently, leading to harassment, threats, intimidation, racist and misogynistic comments, slander to my colleagues and wrestling promoters, and attempts to sabotage my career.”

Acts that continued into the locker rooms of other promotions, notably in Germany (wXw, WrestlingKULT) where Amale and Tristan Archer worked. “He even threatened to take me out of the wXw locker room, claiming he was in charge there. Several people witnessed the scene.” Amale says. “I took steps to distance myself from Tristan and ensure my well-being, even if it meant making sacrifices, such as staying away from the ring, arranging my own travel to shows without requiring reimbursement for travel.”

Amale has since indicated that she has informed the various promotions where these incidents took place, as well as WWE, where Tristan already worked in 2016. “The promotions in which these recent incidents took place as well as WWE have been informed of his actions. The latter, given the seriousness of the facts and the testimonies, has taken the decision to exclude him from the WWE Backlash France extras as well as from any other future participation in WWE events.” explains the former wrestler who played for WWE NXT UK. “The other informed promotions have also taken or will take the necessary measures to remove him in order to ensure the maintenance of a healthy working environment.”

Also read: Abuse, harassment, threats: The relationship between wrestlers and fans in question

An environment that still turns a blind eye

The case of Tristan Archer is not a first in French wrestling, as in other circles. Amale deplores in particular the lack of support, as well as the professionals and promotions who would like to stifle the affair, who turn a blind eye and order the victims not to speak and ask them to settle these matters in private.

“I was pushed to resolve this internally; I had the support of all the foreign promotions, but in France, the charade continues.” says Amale. “People don’t react, people make excuses because it’s Tristan Archer; if it had been someone else, there would have been no special treatment. I trusted people in the industry who didn’t hesitate to put me in danger and go and report my testimony to Tristan, who has since tried to discredit me by all means.”

Amale says it has decided to initiate legal proceedings against Tristan Archer. “I will not back down from any pressure anymore.” concludes the wrestler. “I’m doing this thread for my protection, to finally be able to move forward with my life and to be able to help the new generation to free themselves from its hold.”

Tristan Archer has not yet reacted.

You can find Amale’s testimony below on her X account:


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