“Appointing the president of the Cese means not choosing a prime minister”

“Appointing the president of the Cese means not choosing a prime minister”

IThis is just one hypothesis among others. Thierry Beaudet, president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), is reportedly on the presidential short list to succeed Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister, two months after the early legislative elections. The president of the Cese at Matignon? This idea surprises many people. The Cese, the third constitutional chamber of the Republic composed of social representatives (associations, unions and employers) and responsible for representing civil society, is relatively unknown to the general public.

Sophie de Menthon, a leading figure in the world of entrepreneurship and president of the Ethic movement, knows the Palais d’Iéna well, the headquarters of the Cese, which she frequented for seven years as an “outsider” (1…

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