“Seeing Them Fall in Love” This MCU Actress Has the Most Touching Behind-the-Scenes Memory of Filming Marvel Movies

“Seeing Them Fall in Love” This MCU Actress Has the Most Touching Behind-the-Scenes Memory of Filming Marvel Movies

News culture “Seeing Them Fall in Love” This MCU Actress Has the Most Touching Behind-the-Scenes Memory of Filming Marvel Movies

Published on 01/09/2024 at 15:30

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While the Marvel Cinematic Universe is seen by many viewers as a big money machine for producers, filming is still an opportunity to create some memorable memories. One MCU actress recently shared a particularly touching testimony about her films.

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An actress who immediately left an impression on the audience

While superhero movies weren’t exactly the most successful a few decades ago, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has changed the face of big-budget entertainment for a while now. Today, the actors and actresses who play the main characters are paid tens of millions of euros, as we recently learned for example when Robert Downey Jr. returned as Doctor Doom. But while it is the main actors who bring the most people to the theater, some supporting actors are also particularly memorable. Among them, we find for example Marisa Tomei who has made a place in the hearts of fans thanks to his role as May Parker.

It must be said that despite her relatively little screen time, she already benefited from a certain surprise effect when she first appeared in Captain America : Civil War in 2016. With a Spider-Man as young as Tom Holland was at the time, it was necessary to have an Aunt May who would break the codes that had been well anchored in the minds of fans until then. Thus, while we had been accustomed to the interpretations of Rosemary Harris (75 years old at the time of the release of Spider-Man in 2002) and Sally Field (66 years old at the time of the release of The Amazing Spider-Man in 2012), both already exceptional in their roles, Marisa Tomei was able to offer us a younger version of the character at the age of 52 at the time of the film’s release.. Enabling a closer, more maternal relationship with Peter Parker, and therefore with the viewer.

She shares a very touching memory about the backstage of Marvel

Just a few days ago, the Fan Expo in Toronto, Canada. As is often the case with these kinds of conventions, it was an opportunity for fans to meet some famous actors and actresses from their favorite franchises, and even ask them a few questions. Among the guests was then Marisa Tomeiet A member of the audience was able to ask her if she had a favorite memory from the various MCU shoots:

Some of my favorite memories were just watching Tom[Holland]and Zendaya grow up, watching them fall in love, that kind of thing. And seeing their phenomenal talents, being in awe of their shots… some people are just made for that. They radiate talent but they also have to be real people at the same time. They multi-task, they can do it all: they sing, they act, they dance, they do their stunts, they do fashion design, what don’t they do? They’re incredible people.

Listening to Marisa Tomei, one almost gets the impression that the character of Aunt May has rubbed off on her as she acts like a true member of the family for her two foals. One thing is for sure: she seems to have really enjoyed getting to know Tom Holland and Zendaya, and her role fits her like a glove.

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