“Emmanuel Macron wants to live with himself,” says Manon Aubry angrily.

“Emmanuel Macron wants to live with himself,” says Manon Aubry angrily.

Yanis Darras
08:48, September 02, 2024modified at

08:51, September 02, 2024

La France insoumise MEP Manon Aubry was the guest of La Grande interview Europe 1-CNews this Monday morning. Speaking to Florian Tardif, she returned to the absence of a new Prime Minister, almost two months after the early legislative elections, and judges that “Emmanuel Macron wants to be in cohabitation with himself”.

Who will be Prime Minister? The question is still running, while the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron meets successively with Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand this Monday. On the other hand, the candidate of the New Popular Front for the post of Matignon, Lucie Castets, was dismissed, considering that the question was above all to be able to form a government in the long term, and not simply that of a name.

Invited this Monday morning, the European deputy of La France insoumise Manon Aubry judges that “50 days after the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron still refuses to accept his defeat”. “At the end of the day, we return to the world before by consulting the former presidents of the Republic, we are even offered Bernard Cazeneuve. I have the impression of an immense return to the past, a bit like a space-time fault”, she says ironically.

“The ballot boxes have spoken”

But Manon Aubry is irritated by the behavior of the head of state, who is taking his time to appoint a new head of government. “It’s more than procrastination. I think it’s a coup against democracy.” And he adds: “The President of the Republic must appoint, not choose. And so he must take into account the legislative elections. These legislative elections gave the new Popular Front the largest political group, certainly with a relative majority, but the largest political group. And I have the feeling that we have a President of the Republic who wants to be President of the Republic, but who also wants to be Prime Minister, who is going to be President of the National Assembly, who is also going to be leader of the opposition. In the end, he wants to cohabit with himself,” he emphasizes.

“In a democracy, it is the ballot boxes that speak. The ballot boxes have spoken. They no longer want the Macronists, their policies of misfortune, their policies of social misery,” she concludes, believing that we are witnessing “a Trumpisation” of French political life.


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