Marine Le Pen says she is “convinced” of a new dissolution in a few months


Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, during the parliamentary return of RN deputies, in Paris, September 14, 2024. CYRIL BITTON / DIVERGENCE FOR “LE MONDE”

Marine Le Pen called on Saturday, September 14, before the parliamentarians of the National Rally (RN), for a dissolution in 2025, believing that the political situation cannot “not to last”. In front of an audience of European and French deputies gathered in a small room in the Palais-Bourbon, the president of the 126 RN deputies did not hide her pleasure at seeing her camp at the heart of the political game, assuring that “The National Rally has a more central and more important position than ever.”

The RN has certainly committed to not censoring “a priori” Michel Barnier, allowing his entry into Matignon. But, for Marine Le Pen, this situation is not intended to last, while the head of government comes from the Republicans party, which came in fifth place in the legislative elections. “The one who has the fewest votes is responsible for forming a government. (…). This cannot hold up.”the far-right leader rebuked.

“There are ten months left, and I am convinced that there will be new legislative elections at the end of these ten months, either in the spring or in the autumn.”she developed. “Let’s hope that this term will be as short as possible”insisted the leader of the RN.

While Emmanuel Macron has made it known that he has no intention of dissolving the National Assembly again before the end of his term, Marine Le Pen has affirmed that her camp is « and campaign »The party intends to organize monthly meetings starting in October – the first is planned for Nice on October 6 – which will be held by its president, Jordan Bardella.

Read also the decryption | Article reserved for our subscribers Michel Barnier, a Prime Minister under the surveillance of the RN

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Two campaign managers

To refine its electoral strategy, and above all to avoid recruiting candidates likely to make statements, some of which are racist in nature, which have “cost a lot” In the last legislative elections, according to Mr. Bardella, the RN began to overhaul its organization.

Two campaign managers will be appointed, one for the municipal elections and one for the legislative elections, the latter of whom will launch an investiture process in the coming days to select 577 candidates by March for new elections.

While several departmental delegates are considered internally as partly responsible for the selection of inappropriate candidates, some will be replaced. Regional coordinators, sometimes from the ranks of deputies, should also act as a link between the national and departmental levels. A delicate balance to find for the RN, which also does not want to see new baronies emerge.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers After the failure of the legislative elections, the National Rally sanctions its “black sheep” and decentralizes its authorities

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Recently, the far-right party had the unpleasant surprise of seeing its MP Christine Engrand implicated in two articles one after the other. The first, from the website Mediapart, reveals that she used mandate fees for personal purposes, “clumsiness” since reimbursed, she said. The second, from Parisian, explains that she had a vehicle confiscated because of an invalid driving license, a “administrative error” according to the MP. She is summoned before the party and group authorities in the Assembly to explain her situation, according to several sources at the RN.


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Jordan Bardella himself is implicated in the investigative book by a journalist from Releaseaccording to which the RN president contributed to the drafting of false documents intended to help escape prosecution in the trial of the National Front MEPs, which will open on September 30 and targets several party officials, including Marine Le Pen. Claims denied by Jordan Bardella, who has announced that he intends to file a defamation complaint.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Nonna Mayer, political scientist: “The political crisis that has opened since the dissolution marks a new stage in the de-demonization of the RN”

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