“We worked so that there would be just one French team,” assures para-triathlete Alexis Hanquinquant

“We worked so that there would be just one French team,” assures para-triathlete Alexis Hanquinquant

Published on 14/09/2024 15:47

Video length: 5 min

Paris 2024: “We worked so that there would be a single French team”, assures para-triathlete Alexis Hanquinquant
On Saturday, September 14, athletes Alexis Hanquinquant and Cassandre Beaugrand, crowned with the gold medal, will be awarded medals during the parade in Paris. They looked back on their journey on the set of the 13 Heures.
(France 2)

On Saturday, September 14, athletes Alexis Hanquinquant and Cassandre Beaugrand, crowned with the gold medal, will be awarded medals during the parade in Paris. They looked back on their journey on the set of the 13 Heures.

While Emmanuel Macron has put forward the idea of ​​a national sports day every September 14, athletes Alexis Hanquinquant and Cassandre Beaugrand approve. “It would be a nice tribute to sport”says the para-triathlete. Gold medalist like Cassandre Beaugrand in the triathlon, Alexis Hanquinquant recalled the importance of showing the union of athletes and para-athletes. “We worked so that there would be a single French team”he assured. “We have the same issues, the same desire for medals and to surpass ourselves”he continues.

On Saturday, September 14, the two athletes will be awarded medals during the parade. For them, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will have given new visibility to their sport. “The French public was incredible and supported us throughout these Games”greets Cassandre Beaugrand.Parasport was little known in France, thanks to the 2024 Paralympic Games, this is no longer the case”rejoices Alexis Hanquinquant, who also recalled the precariousness of the athletes.


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