This new theory about Sophie is already dividing fans

This new theory about Sophie is already dividing fans

After weeks of uncertainty, Netflix has confirmed the identity of the actress who will play Sophie in season 4 of The Bridgerton Chronicle in a video that could well contain some clues. At least that’s what some fans think, who are suggesting an astonishing theory.

It’s (finally) official: actress Yerin Ha will play Sophie in season 4 of The Bridgerton Chronicle. After Colin and Penelope, it’s Benedict (played by Luke Thompson) who will be at the heart of the episodes of the next salvo, expected for 2026 on Netflix. In August, the American press announced the arrival of the Australian actress in the cast of the romantic fiction. For the series version, Sophie will be entitled to a change since she will not have the same last name, going from Beckett to Baek. Since we know that the second Bridgerton brother will be the hero of this fourth season, theories have been piling up around Sophie. A new hypothesis has just appeared on social networks.

Bridgerton season 4: this new theory about Sophie which raises questions

To confirm Yerin Ha’s arrival in the cast, Netflix unveiled a video of the actress in front of a rack full of clothes where we can see gloves, an evening dress… but also several men’s suits. And that’s where this new theory about the heroine of the fourth salvo comes from. On the Reddit forum, an Internet user revealed his astonishing idea following the posting of this video: what if it meant that Sophie would dress up as a man in the seriesa bit like Mulan in the Disney animated film? This plot is not present in the books, but could allow to approach in a certain way the bisexuality of Benedict which was explored during season 3 of Bridgerton. This idea does not seem to meet with the approval of Internet users, however. On the discussion forum, several people explain that the presence of costumes could be just a way of making a nod to a similar video posted when Benedict was confirmed as the hero of season 4. So, true theory or superfluous idea? Only the episodes will be able to tell us.

Bridgerton season 4: this strong intrigue of the character of Sophie deleted in the series?

During Yerin Ha’s presentation, Netflix also gave new details about Sophie that did not fail to catch our attention.For most of her life, Sophie was forced to work as a servant for one of the most demanding employers in high society,” can be read on the Shondaland website. In the books, Sophie is indeed a servant, but in her own family: following the death of her father who is noble, her stepmother, who has never accepted her existence, forces her to work. A plot which, if we believe this summary, could be absent from the series. Another mystery looms: who is Sophie’s employer? Since the beginning of Bridgertona persistent theory suggests that Sophie could be related to the Cowper family. Since we were able to discover more about Cressida and her relatives in season 3, it doesn’t seem impossible that this popular hypothesis could become reality.


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