Bram meetings: these socialists who call on “the labor left” to distance themselves from the Rebels

Bram meetings: these socialists who call on “the labor left” to distance themselves from the Rebels
Bram meetings: these socialists who call on “the labor left” to distance themselves from the Rebels

the essential
The Meetings of the Left organized this Saturday in Bram in Aude attracted leading left-wing personalities around the president of the Region Carole Delga. All these voices call for distancing themselves from the intransigent discourse of the Insoumis and working on a project that concretely responds to the problems of the French.

A wind of hope is blowing on the left. A week after the announcement of the Barnier government whose future seems in limbo, Carole Delga brought together more than 2,000 people on Saturday in Bram in Aude for the 4th edition of the Rencontres de la gauche. A meeting which is gaining momentum with the presence of numerous personalities: François Hollande, Bernard Cazeneuve, Raphaël Glucksmann, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, Benoît Hamon… But not Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the PS. “He has been invited for four years. He has always refused to come, regrets Carole Delga. He was ready to do so but on the condition of having carte blanche, that is to say to conclude the day. This is not the spirit of the Meetings where we organize workshops. I offered to have a public discussion with him as I did with Raphaël Glucksmann. He refused.

“No submission to the Rebels”

For the participants, the Barnier government is hanging by a thread. Its fall is only a matter of weeks. “Emmanuel Macron made this choice, that of a majority with the support of the National Rally. It is up to us, the left, to propose another path than that of racism, demagoguery and approximation” ambitions Carole Delga who is of the fight against the extreme right a political priority.

But what strategy should you adopt? From the platform, the personalities call on the socialists to distance themselves from the Insoumis. Tipped to become Prime Minister, Bernard Cazeneuve is of this opinion. “There is an awareness among many people on the left that the alliance with rebellious and the domination of LFI on the left is an extraordinary obstacle to returning to government. It is a machine for creating the RN vote” says former Prime Minister.

The personalities gathered at the podium at the end of Carole Delga’s speech.

For Raphaël Glucksmann, “if it had not been for this submission to the Insoumis, we could have avoided having the most right-wing government in many years.” The famous sentence of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who demands on the evening of the legislative elections the application of “the entire program, nothing but the program” of the New Popular Front still arouses incomprehension. “As a result, we gave the keys back to Emmanuel Macron who had no desire to leave them to the left” notes Raphaël Glucksmann who wants to “emancipate himself from the excess” embodied by LFI.

“Assert yourself through dialogue and not through insult”

Present for the first time at these Meetings in Bram, François Hollande wants the PS to regain leadership of his camp, a condition for returning to power in the long term: “Faced with the radical left which had first place for seven years, the PS must become again the first force on the left.”

The socialists were not the only ones present in Bram. Communists and ecologists were able to express themselves in the various round tables which were filled to capacity. For Jean-Michel Baylet, former PRG minister, “the movement is launched. This year, we feel that something is happening here. It’s not just a big socialist party. It’s the left of reason and government which is at work And this is what the French are waiting for.

Concluding with a speech today, Carole Delga wants the socialists and the left to “open a path to hope”: “We must assert ourselves through dialogue and not through insult and invective” insists the president of the ‘Occitanie. The elected official defends “the left of work” which listens and responds to the problems of the French. Carole Delga wants her party to make Education “a great national cause” and respond to questions of purchasing power and security. “Our left is that of union, broad, open to society, based on the values ​​of the Republic, secularism, which fights racism, anti-Semitism and communitarianism. A union formed on a collective before personal ambitions.



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