The NFP refuses en bloc to participate in the future “Macron-Le Penist” government

The NFP refuses en bloc to participate in the future “Macron-Le Penist” government

Michel Barnier’s desire to appoint “left-wing people” as ministers has so far hit a wall within the New Popular Front.

It was clearly not a joke, but the New Popular Front executives are laughing their heads off. As soon as he was appointed to Matignon, the new Prime Minister from the Republicans, Michel Barnier, made it known that he was open to « left-wing people » become ministers. The message was immediately relayed on BFMTV by his old friend and distant predecessor, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, who drew a sarcastic response from the head of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure: « Looking forward to seeing what the left looks like according to Raffarin », he published on X. « Good luck ! »added Manuel Bompard, Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s right-hand man, on France 2. Nevertheless, after several telephone conversations, Michel Barnier said he wanted to continue certain exchanges in his office. With the right-wing LR, first, which Gérard Larcher announced in The Figaro that she was likely to participate in the government…

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