Cyril Hanouna, moved, thanks Cyril Féraud, Nagui and other presenters for their support after the death of his father


This Monday, September 9, Cyril Hanouna spoke for the first time about the disappearance of his father in Baba’s tribe on C8. He thanked the many presenters who supported him during this painful ordeal.

For a week now, Cyril Hanouna has been back on the airwaves of Don’t touch my post for a new season that promises to be epic. While the shutdown of the C8 channel was announced following a decision by ARCOM, the king of PAF has no plans to give up and abandon viewers. This Monday, September 9, the host spoke about the drama he went through this summer in Baba’s tribethe first part of his daily show. On August 20, Cyril Hanouna announced the death of his father, Ange Hanouna, on social media. “After nearly 9 months in the hospital where he fought with incredible courage, my dad left us. He was a great man who only thought about helping others and who always did good around him”, he wrote about his model. A disappearance for which he received enormous support, notably from the columnists of TPMP.

Cyril Hanouna speaks for the first time about the death of his father in TPMP

Cyril Hanouna made an aside in Baba’s tribe to express his emotion after the many messages of support following the death of his father. “A little aside. You know that I had a misfortune these last few days since my dad left. I would like to thank all the PAF animators who wrote to me, including Jean-Luc Reichmann of course”said the 49-year-old presenter live on C8. They were very, very numerous to write to me. It touched me enormously. Of all the channels, TF1… Really, everyone wrote to me”he remarked before admitting he was moved: “I wanted to say thank you, thank you to them. I wanted to tell them that I was very, very touched.”

Cyril Hanouna reveals the names of the presenters who supported him after his father’s death

Upset by the hosts’ words after his father’s death, Cyril Hanouna did not hesitate to reveal names. “Mon Cyril Feraud that I love. Everyone wrote to me, Nikos, Arthur, Nagui, Thomas Under…”he notably cited. “Thanks to them, all the people who wrote to me. There are loads of them, it’s crazy.”he repeated to himself before returning to his emotion: “It really touched me.”

Baba’s tribeto be found in full on the application myCANAL.


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