Grenoble: Who is Abdoul D., the individual suspected of having shot Lilian Dejean?


Still on the run, the main suspect is not at his first confrontation with the law. A man has been wanted since Sunday, suspected of having shot dead Lilian Dejean, a municipal agent of the city of Grenoble (Isère). The latter was shot after trying to prevent the individual from fleeing, following a traffic accident.

According to our information, the wanted man, who fled on foot after shooting, is called Abdoul D. He has already been to court and prison several times.

“Theft, violence and drug trafficking”

Abdoul D. has been sentenced 11 times, in some cases to prison, Le Parisien has learned. Nineteen mentions of this individual are recorded in his criminal record, including seven for violence and three for traffic offenses.

“The man is known to the courts for various offences” including “theft, violence and drug trafficking”, the Grenoble public prosecutor had already stated on Monday.

Le Dauphiné Libéré cites several cases of violence in prison dating back to August 2023, when the suspect was incarcerated. He was summoned on October 3 before the Grenoble Criminal Court for suspicion of aggravated violence against another inmate, according to the daily. Furthermore, he was no longer allowed to hold a weapon.

Several searches around Grenoble

According to the Dauphiné Libéré, this individual is 25 years old and lives in Saint-Martin-d’Hères. It was in this town bordering Grenoble that the first search of the investigation took place on Sunday, with the support of the RAID. Three others took place on Monday, again with the RAID, in several surrounding towns.

Investigators are also relying on the car left behind by Abdoul D. during the traffic accident on Sunday. It is a rented Audi RS3, a powerful model, with a Polish registration plate, the prosecutor said. The vehicle has reportedly been seen several times in Grenoble recently, with different drivers.

The city of Grenoble, his colleagues and his relatives, in shock, paid tribute to Lilian Dejean on Monday.


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