“My body couldn’t take it anymore”, Maeva Ghennam headed to hospital

“My body couldn’t take it anymore”, Maeva Ghennam headed to hospital

Still very active on social networks, Maeva Ghennam caused concern in her community by recounting her latest health problem. The Marseillaise was hospitalized for an iron deficiency.

Instagram @maevaa.ghennam

Known for her participation in reality TV shows The Marseillais Since 2017, Maeva Ghennam has acquired a great reputation on social networks. The Phocaean is followed by more than 3 million subscribers on Instagram and 2.4 million on Snapchat, her favorite application. And all subjects are good to discuss on this platform, from her surgical operations to her phases of malaise. On October 5, 2023, “emptied and lost”she expressed the need to take “a break” before returning, apparently healed of her injuries.

Maeva Ghennam rushed to hospital due to illness

But Greg Yega’s ex-girlfriend is still flirting with her demons. If her mental health remains fragile, her physical appearance has also played tricks on her. This Thursday, September 5, the reality TV starlet posted a story of her hand on a drip in a hospital bed to let her subscribers know that she was at her worst. “Hello my lives, I hope you are well. I have a health problem, my body is not holding up anymore at the moment. I am hospitalized and in good handsI’ll keep you informed when I know more, I’m being tested to find out what I have”she stressed on Instagram.

Faced with a series of health problems for months

The day after this scare, Maeva Ghennam revealed the cause of this scare, which occurred at the airport. “Actually I had a hemoglobin level, I think it was, very low at 6, because I had fallen ill in August.”she confided from the family home, explaining that his dizziness and discomfort were due to an iron deficiency. “They gave me IVs”added the Marseillaise, recovered by her mother who pampers her like never before. Sleep cure, red meat meals, taking iron supplementseverything is done so that the brunette regains her strength and can recover from her emotions. Because this is not the first time that her body has sent her negative signals, since she was also hospitalized urgently in Dubai last November. Hoping, this time, that she has learned from her mistakes.


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