Drought in Aude: “It’s catastrophic! It’s the smallest harvest ever seen in the department”

Drought in Aude: “It’s catastrophic! It’s the smallest harvest ever seen in the department”

The drought has deprived the vines of a large part of the harvest. At harvest time, Frédéric Rouanet, the president of the Aude Winegrowers’ Union, is launching an appeal to save the Aude viticulture which is in great danger.

How is the 2024 harvest shaping up?

It’s catastrophic! It’s the smallest harvest ever seen in the department. It’s worse than that of 2021, which was badly affected by frost. While at the time we were talking about the smallest harvest in history… Today it’s worse. It’s a tragedy, a real catastrophe.

Which translates into what numbers?

Those who brought in an average of 5 tonnes in Corbières Maritimes are at 1.5 tonnes. In the plains, while they brought in an average of 11 tonnes, they will record 6.5 tonnes. Even the plains have suffered. In the irrigated plots, the drip irrigation has at least saved the plants and if it rains this winter, the vines will start again, whereas on the coast, they will die.

What do you think about the appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister?

We finally have a government. Finally we are going to work! We are satisfied because Michel Barnier was Minister of Agriculture in the Fillion government from 2007 to 2009 and had managed the voluntary uprooting issue. He knows the problem perfectly. Now we are waiting for the Minister of Agriculture. In any case, we are experiencing political instability, will he do what he wants? Will he have the means?

What are you actually expecting?

A very quick reaction. It is vital for viticulture and the economy of this department. We no longer have a choice. We must be helped to get through the most difficult year ever. We are going to seek emergency funds. Some cellars have full vats. Unionism alone will not save viticulture. A market balance must be established. We call on merchants to increase the purchase prices of wine, even if this price will never compensate for the economic losses.

What measures do you think should be taken?

Uprooting, insurance and irrigation are priorities. We are experiencing a climate crisis with hazards that now occur regularly, coupled with an economic crisis. Inflation is merciless and we are caught in a vice. Our insurance system is not adapted. We must work on a reform. Faced with this unprecedented situation, we must set up a plan to safeguard viticulture, to ward off the disaster to come. I appeal to the population to raise awareness: in the very near future, our countryside will no longer look like the current postcard of Aude. Those who appreciate our magnificent landscapes so much must expect a disaster. And the fires will spread without a firebreak. The uprooting file was examined in Brussels on August 29, but we are not there yet. If there is progress, we have no confirmation. And even less of a timetable.

The water problem is crucial…

When it comes to irrigation, we are faced with a lack of political courage. We are far from the stature of a Georges Frêche, there is no anticipation! Last June it rained, we had 70 mm, and this water went into the sea, we have nothing to hold it back. And next winter’s rain will take the same path. Nothing has been done upstream: we are arguing over releases between water users without that solving the problem. We should have water available to provide drinking water for the population and irrigate our crops. Everyone wants to keep water for themselves. We need a departmental organization to manage it and, generally speaking, we need strong investment from the State for irrigation and crop insurance: we should not need to seek aid!


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