Ping-pong, golf, hockey… little Oscar of Sweden’s very sporty weekend

Ping-pong, golf, hockey… little Oscar of Sweden’s very sporty weekend

His big sister Estelle was at the Paralympic Games in Paris, but Prince Oscar was also able to enjoy a sporting weekend. Staying in Stockholm with his father, the eight-year-old boy took part in “Pep Day”, a day dedicated to introducing children and teenagers to sport.

Former sports coach, Prince Daniel went to Haga Park with his son on Sunday, September 8. There, the little boy was able to try his hand at hockey, golf and games of skill, but he particularly seemed to enjoy table tennis. Dressed in the official event t-shirt, the youngest son of the crown couple went almost unnoticed among the other children with whom he was able to play all afternoon.

For his part, Prince Daniel was in charge of handing out medals to the children taking part in the race that bears his name. He was thus able to reward several hundred little Swedes who took part in the game, the aim not being to come first but simply to take part.

A passion for sport as a legacy

Princess Victoria’s husband is particularly involved in this day that he himself helped create in 2016 in order to encourage the younger generation to practice sport. A former coach and manager of a gym before his marriage, the prince continues to put his passion at the heart of his commitments. And he can count on his children to take up the torch.

Princess Estelle and her brother are in…

- ParisMatch


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