Yesterday, the journalist from The TeamSébastien Tarrago, made a notable media outing as a response to Pablo Longoria's outings on arbitration.“You're allowed to be a little over fourteen and a half. You have the right to behave in ways that are not those of a retarded teenager. » Comments which were not to the taste of Olympique de Marseille.
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«In line with its latest positions, Olympique de Marseille no longer tolerates any offensive comments against its Club, its managers, its employees or its supporters. The terms used by Sébastien Tarrago in a television sports program, Sunday January 20, are once again unacceptable. No apology can erase the violence of his words, particularly at a time when mental health is being made a Great National Cause. This is why Olympique de Marseille, through criminal action, will seek the conviction of Sébastien Tarrago as well as damages and interest.», We can read in the press release published on the official website of the Marseille club.
-Pub. the 20/01/2025 19:20
– UPDATE 20/01/2025 20:36
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