This is something new that the French Football Federation (FFF), meeting in an executive committee this Thursday, would like to present by 2026.”Marc Keller, accompanied by a group of elected officials, will carry out work and consultations to transform the National into a professional Ligue 3 within the French Football Federation, a very important innovation requested for a long time by the clubs participating in the National with a launch objective in 2026-2027“, detailed Philippe Diallo at the end of the “comex”.
The president of the “3F” therefore leaves a little more than a season for his steering group to work on economic solutions which would allow the future Ligue 3 to establish itself in the French football landscape.
I also hope that this competition will be one of innovation
“I remind you that the National is only broadcast by the production means of the Federation“, he added, implying that the sale of TV rights to the competition, currently available free of charge on the FFFTV platform, could constitute a financing lever for this future Ligue 3.
-A competition “attractive and durable“that Philippe Diallo wishes to be disputed with”locally trained players“, with teams”with limited staff“and respecting a”salary cap” to avoid financial mismanagement.
“I also hope that this competition will be one of innovation, he further clarified. I will give this working group and the arbitration management 'almost' carte blanche to demonstrate innovation..”
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