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Formula 1 | Newey publicly criticizes F1 2026 regulations and electrics

His words are obviously eagerly awaited: Adrian Newey, who will join Aston Martin in March 2025, spoke about the next revolution in F1 regulations.

This will take place in 2026 and will provide for a brand new chassis and above all new engine regulations. Energy will be supplied 50/50 between the internal combustion engine and electrical energy.

“It’s a huge change” confirmed Adrian Newey, on whom Aston Martin F1 is counting heavily to best negotiate this regulatory turning point.

“I don’t remember – it probably happened in the distant past – but I don’t remember the last time we had new regulations for both the power unit and the chassis. »

“The power unit regulations were set several years ago without, in reality, really considering the chassis regulations that were to accompany them. This is something the FIA, with the support of the teams, has struggled with ever since. How will this work? In truth, it’s still not clear. »

The main objective of these new rules was to satisfy manufacturers, in particular by attracting new players such as Audi and Ford, while retaining Honda.

On this level, the goal has been achieved but with what side effects? Because Newey expresses doubts about the impact of these changes on the spectacle on the track.

“The FIA’s original idea was to get 400 kilowatts from the power unit and 400 kilowatts from the hybrid side – the electric machine. »

“Then they realized that 400 kilowatts on the electric side was too much to sustain, lap after lap, so they reduced that to 350. But even now, there’s still a lot of concern that the cars will be considerably more slower at the end of a straight line than at the beginning, because they will drain their battery. »

“It was a regulation introduced, I think, primarily to keep existing builders and hopefully attract new ones. In this sense, we can say that it was successful. Audi is coming. Honda reversed its decision to leave and is staying. But as far as the show goes, I think that’s a concern. »

So what would Newey have done in place of the FOM and the FIA?

“First of all, the most important thing for Formula 1 is the clean and original character of the cars”he said.

“If the chassis regulations, which mainly concern aerodynamic regulations, become too restrictive, then all cars look the same. »

“What I’m saying is that prescribing aerodynamic performance isn’t necessarily the way to go, but I would have done the opposite. »

“If you look at other categories that have opted for one very restrictive chassis type – IndyCar, which is maybe the worst example… or the best – they went from a very successful series with numerous manufacturers until the mid-90s, moving towards a single manufacturer with Dallara. »

Aston Martin F1’s takeover also raises a fundamental question about the future of Formula 1: is it absolutely necessary to have manufacturers in the sport? Even if it means cutting corners on the show?

“Because, for me, the value lies in the teams, not in the manufacturers. Builders come and go. They change CEOs, who suddenly decide they’d rather sponsor a tennis tournament than Formula 1, and they go in a different direction. We saw him regularly. »

Newey criticizes EU’s ‘anti-engineering’ stance on electricity

These doubts on a sporting level join broader doubts that Newey feels about electric cars, pushed by the EU.

“From the spectators’ point of view, I’m not sure they care that much about whether cars are more fuel efficient, etc. They did the same thing as governments: instead of saying “This is a problem”, which I completely agree with, we need to do something to help save the planet, improve the ecology, etc. »

“They said, ‘This is what we want, and this is what you’re going to do. Now you’re going to go all-electric.’ »

“Don’t get me wrong, I think electric certainly has its applications. It’s great technology. It is clear that it is growing rapidly. »

“But I do not agree with saying that this is the prescribed technology and that this is all that we can have, without allowing manufacturers to do research to find alternatives . »

“It’s very anti-engineering and it’s not at all guaranteed that it will produce the right solution in all cases, it doesn’t. »


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